Part 158 Sleepless in Seattle

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Part 157- Saturday Dec. 7th

Luke's POV

"Are we going to the diner to pick up some Chocolate Mousse or are you making us some Luke?" Doc blurted as he came back in the house after seeing Mr. B and Cupcake off on their date.

"I don't know this particular recipe. Let me see what I can find out." I answered, then pulled out my phone and called Uncle. I thought it would go to voice mail. It took him forever to answer.

"Hey Uncle." I spoke as soon as he connected.

"Luke, I'm busy. It's Saturday night. This better be important." He grumped into the phone.

"Oh, it's important all right. You see, Sang was raving about your Chocolate Mousse to Dr. Green and he says it's not fair he missed out on sampling the dessert. You know, since he has been working extra shifts at the hospital to look after North and all. Can you give me the recipe?" Might as well give him a guilt trip. Ha ha ha.

"Oy! If he won't fucking give it to you, tell him we are coming to get some." Gabriel was talking to me as I was on the phone with Uncle.

I could hear Uncle breathe hard, "give me a moment." He put me on hold. I had to laugh that Uncle's hold music was classic rock. Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Gun 'n Roses, that kind of thing. I found my head was banging the air to the beat as I waited for him to come back on the line.

"Are you having an epileptic seizure Luke?" Doc questioned.

I put the phone on speaker so they could listen with me:

".....sweat, gonna make you groove. (Guitar solo)

Oh, oh, child, way you shake that thing

Gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting. (Guitar solo)

Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way

Watch your honey drip, can't keep away." (Guitar solo)

By the time the lyrics sang, "Gonna make you burn" both Doc and Gabe were moving and dancing with me. Playing a little air guitar on the solos, bouncing and banging our heads. I of course was the only one with the proper head banging hair. Gabe's would do, but Doc... Nah. Too short of hair to be an authentic head banger.

"Ok here's the recipe. You ready?" Uncle was on the line and barking directions at me. I wrote my own version of recipe shorthand as he gave me instructions. Doc moved to the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients.

Sang's POV

It was funny to me to see a young Tom Hanks. He is so old now, but I guess "Sleepless in Seattle" is an old movie. It was made before I was even born! Meg Ryan was in the movie I watched with Nathan for his reward. But I liked the way she looked in "Kate & Leopold" better.

I worried when the movie began that I would be depressed since the movie began at a cemetery. But it had some funny things happen almost right away. I began giggling when Annie started singing Christmas songs in the car. She sings about as well as I do, but that doesn't stop me from singing along to songs when I am alone, either.

Then the kid, Jonah, calls a radio show to talk about his dad needing a wife and my heart clenched. The radio show lady, Dr. Marsha Fieldstone called him Sleepless in Seattle because he can't sleep. I don't know I would be able to sleep if I lost one of my boys. During this beginning point of the movie Owen scoot closer to me. He held my coat out to me to put on now. Then he put his own on.

Owen placed his arm around my shoulders pulling me in close to his chest. Sam and Annie said, "it was like...magic" at the same time and a few tears fell from my eyes. Owen kissed them away. I sighed at his sweet gesture. Sam said to Dr. Marsha that when he put his hand in his wife's hand for the first time "it was like coming home". When I touched each of my guys for the first time it was like coming home to me too.

I started giggling again when Annie and her friend are sitting together mouthing the words to "An Affair to Remember" and then they say, "Men never get this movie."

I looked at Owen, then whispered, "have you seen that movie before?"

"No I haven't Sang. But maybe we can watch it with you sometime."

"I'd like that." I leaned my head against his chest and put my hand on his stomach, inside his coat. I ran my fingers over his tie I could feel through his thin sweater. Owen is warm and firm and I like the way I fit just perfectly tucked into his side.

Sam started dating a woman that had a laugh like a hyena. It grated on my ears. I hope I don't sound like that to my guys. I thought I should just ask to be sure. "Do I sound like that?"

"God no! Thank the Heaven's you don't." I giggled then he whispered in my ear, "your laugh is like angelic music to my ears." His breath tickled my ear and I squinched my shoulder close to my ear as I giggled. He made a snarl sound at the back of my neck before he kissed my cheek.

I shivered involuntarily. Owen reached over and grabbed our second blanket. I helped him open it and he tucked it around us. Under the blanket he drew my legs over the top of his. I tilted my head up and kissed his chin. He smiled and said, "thank you, my love."

I was mesmerized by the movie and being this close to Owen. I could feel Owen running his hand over my back, but with all the layers I had on, I couldn't really feel anything more than knowing he was rubbing my back.

When Jonah and his dad were reunited on top of the Empire States Building, tears slid from my eyes again. I quickly wiped them away. Then Annie and Sam missed each other in the passing elevators and I whisper shouted, "NO!"

Owen shushed me, "Shhh, just watch." Then he pulled me close so I was sitting sideways on his lap, pressed in nice and tight to his chest.

Annie found Jonah's backpack, and I sucked in an audible breath of air. "It's you. It's Me. You're Annie?" The movie characters said and I wrapped my arms around Owen's waist and squeezed tightly. Then Annie placed her hand in Sam's and I melted into Owen. Then the music began, "It's so important to make someone happy. Make just one someone happy."

I turned up my head and whispered to Owen, "no, it is important to make nine someone's happy, not just one."

"Quite right, Sang." He leaned forward and kissed me. Really kissed me. The world around us didn't exist. I could vaguely hear new music begin. "When I fall in love. It will be forever. Or I'll never fall in love. In a restless world like this is, love is ended before it's begun. And too many moonlight kisses, seem to cool in the warmth of the sun. When I give my heart, it will be completely. Or I'll never give my heart. And the moment I can feel that, you feel that way too. When I fall in love, when I fall in love, when I fall in"

"I have already fallen in love with you, Owen." I mumbled around his lips.

He responded by deepening the kiss. His tongue aggressively taking possession. He shifted slightly under me and I thought he was going to lay me back on the ground and continue carrying on, but he pulled out of the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. We were both breathing hard. "This is not the place to keep going any further. As much as I want to." He husked at me. I shivered at his words, but nodded my head in understanding.

I could hear lots of commotion and glanced around. The crowds were gathering their things and leaving. "Let's just give them a moment, so the crowd is not so large." He whispered.

"Sounds good. That means I get to hold you like this for longer." I squeezed him in a hug tightly, he gave me a tight hug back.

Can You Teach Me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora