Part 15

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Part 15

We entered the hospital walking closely next to each other but without touching. This is Dr. Green's place of business, after all, and he needs to be seen as a professional. We went to the cafeteria and got some apple pie.

When we sat at the table in the corner, Dr. Green told me to send out a text to Gabriel, Luke, and Nathan that I was at the hospital whenever one of them was available to come get me. Since they were at the diner, they would be the best choice for picking me up. Until one of them arrived, I was to be Dr. Green's assistant.

Sang: I am at the hospital with Dr. Green. Stuck until someone comes to my rescue.

Luke: I would love to rescue you cupcake, but stuck at the diner prepping lunch right now.

Gabe: which super hero do I remind you of? I'm stuck with Luke cleaning up the breakfast disaster.

Nathan: you aren't a super hero Gabe. I on the other hand will try to finish in a flash, race to Kota's car, and come to your rescue ASAP.

Gabe: oy! What the f**k? Your comparing your fat ass to the Flash? You are more like the Hulk!

Luke: he can be the Flash if he wants. He likes to run. And North is more like the Hulk. As long as Sang sees me as Thor, I'm good!

Gabe: ugh! Not Thor again! And your right North is definitely the Hulk!

Nathan: well that's decided. I will be there in a Flash, since I AM the Flash. Luke is Thor. And North is the Hulk.

Sang: and who is Gabe? And the rest of the guys? And what about me?

Gabe: Wonder Woman for sure!

Luke: you can't be Wonder Woman Gabe!

Gabe: s**thead! You know I meant Trouble. Don't f**k with me!

Sang: don't worry Meanie! I will come up with a super hero for you. Now finish so Dr. Green doesn't have to babysit me while trying to do his job.

"You were on your phone texting for a bit. Everything ok?" Dr. Sean asked.

"The guys were just being funny." I handed him my phone so he could read the text thread.

He started laughing. "And which super hero am I Pookie?"

I thought for a moment, taking into account which super heroes best fit him and the rest of the guys. Ah ha! Got it! "Dr. Green you would be Dr. Fate. You know, because you are a doctor and because you said that we are destiny babies and we can't mess with fate."

He smiled the most genuine smile I have seen on him. "Let's get started."

We began by making rounds. He checked up on his patients, one with broken ribs, one with a stab wound, and one was sick with the flu. Then we went to "ogle the
Babies" as he puts it. He was so excited because this time one of the babies was awake which meant he got to "play" with him.

I watched as he checked the boy's vitals, weighed the baby, and measured the baby. All the while he was talking to the baby boy like he was a little man that could understand him. "Look at those strong muscles little man. You are going to be a big boy aren't you. Now, I need to open your diaper and take a look but please don't pee on me."

I began giggling, "how often do you get peed on?"

"By the babies or by patients in general?" He asked looking serious. I just stared open mouthed, eyes wide. "More often than you would think by the babies. When the cold air hits their little penis' it is like a reflex and they pee. I don't blame them, they are just babies."

"And the other patients?" I asked.

"Well, if I told you I would be divulging doctor-patient confidentiality." He smirked at me. "It is kind of a hazard of a medical professional. Are you intrigued in the medical field as a future profession now?"

"If you are asking me if I look forward to people peeing on me for my future job....not so much. But helping people does interest me." I said contemplativly.

"You still have time to figure out what you like and don't like. No need to decide your career right now at age 16." He said.

"Didn't you already decide your career by age 16?" I questioned.

"Yes, but being a doctor was my parents wish from the time my mom found me. I really didn't have much of a choice. And by the time I had joined the Academy, I was well on my way to being a doctor. So my choice was kind of made for me. Don't get me wrong Pumpkin, I love being a doctor. I get to have personal time with my patients, I get to work miracles by healing people, I get to see miracles everyday like these precious babies, and I have the hope that one day I will have a sexy little Sang nurse working beside me." He winked.

He really is magnificent. So smart, so caring, so sexy. My thoughts were interrupted as he spoke to the baby boy again, "good checkup Buddy. Be good to your mom and give your dad hell." Then he fist bumped the baby's cute chubby little fist and wrapped him back up in his blanket. You can see one day he will make a great dad.

My phone pinged a text.

Nathan: I'm here. Where are you?

Sang: at the babies. Heading to the front.

"Bye Dr. Green. My ride is here."

"I enjoyed my Pookie time. Drive safely. And don't let the boys distract you." He winked and I remembered how he distracted me at the park earlier. I blushed and waved bye as I spun around to head out the door. I felt my skirt twirl out a little and I heard Dr. Sean groan as I was exiting the door. I giggled in embarrassment. Oops! I think he just saw my panties. But, I'm not sticking around to confirm he saw them.

I skipped to the front and was greeted by Nathan. He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand. "Let's go Peanut." He said.

"Ok honey. Are we going home or somewhere else?" I asked.

"Home for now." He responded.

"Can we play Grand Theft Auto again?" I was excited to learn a few more tricks.

"Whatever you want." He said.

We got to Kota's car and I tried to head to the passenger seat but he pulled my arm and led me to the drivers seat. "I was just playing with you yesterday. You did really well driving and I want you to know I trust you. Here are the keys." He handed the keys over and opened the door for me.

I pulled out my phone and started putting his address into my phone's GPS. He grunted at me and took my phone away. "If you need directions, I will give them to you. Just start driving the way you got here and if you start going the wrong way, I'll help you out. Trust yourself Peanut. You got this!" He really did believe in me. My heart melted just a little.

We parked the car at Kota's house and walked to Nathan's house. He gave me back my phone, which I tucked into my bra like usual. He set up the Xbox and we enjoyed playing for a couple hours. If I am being followed by a tail again, I think I could use a few more of these moves to lose them. It is nice to just relax. Our conversation was just silly but enjoyable. We decided what super hero each of the guys would be and why.

I'm-Wonder Woman
Nathan-Flash (red hair and loves to run)
Luke-Thor (long blond hair and looked good holding a sledge hammer)
North-Hulk (gets angry quickly and lots of muscle)
Dr. Green-Dr. Fate (Doctor and fate we met)
Victor-Iron Man (techy and wealthy)
Silas-Superman (he saved me and he is unbelievably strong)
Kota-Spider-Man (nerdy science guy with defined muscles and ability to kick ass)
Gabriel-Dare Devil (he dares to challenge what is considered 'normal')
Mr. Blackbourne-Captain America (the captain of the team)

I had to text Meanie so he would know I was thinking of him and what super hero I gave him.

Sang: you are Dare Devil

Gabe: what? I am not f**king blind!

Sang: I know but I call you Meanie and his name is Dare "Devil" and you dare to challenge what is considerd 'normal'

Gabe: damn! Fine. Did you come up with everyone else?

Sang: yes but it is too long to text

Gabe: we are between lunch and dinner shifts and just hanging until it gets busy again. Come to the diner if you aren't doing anything

Sang: ok, be there in a bit.

"Gabe wants us to head to the diner. They are between shifts." I told him.

"Ok. Maybe we should eat dinner there before it gets busy." He said.

We walked the path through the woods to the diner. Fall was beautiful here in South Carolina. All the trees were just changing colors. There were gold and orange and red leaves everywhere. The green was gone now that it was November, but it wasn't dead brown yet or barren trees you see in the winter. It is just breathtakingly beautiful.

As we came out of the woods you could feel the fall breeze in the air. It is crisp and cool. We dropped holding hands just in case Uncle could see us coming. Meanie must have been watching for us because as we got to the door he opened it up for us from the inside. Nathan entered as I stopped to look into Meanie's crystal blue eyes. He really is handsome. All the guys are. I just stood there staring at him and he didn't do anything or say anything to break the trance of this moment.

As I finally stepped across the threshold, there seemed to be a gust of wind and my skirt pulled a Marilyn Monroe. I heard Gabe suck in a breath and I turned to look at him. I was blushing a deep red color. That was twice today that someone has seen my panties. "Don't be embarrassed Trouble. You are f**king gorgeous!" He whispered in my ear and then licked my earlobe.

What do you say to that? "Thank you." I mumbled.

"There you are sugar!" Luke chimed in. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. "Come eat. Uncle is making something special just for you."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you are special and he wants you to be treated as the amazing woman you are." He said matter-of-factly.

"Little bird! Come eat!" Uncle declared. "I made you prime rib, baked potato and steamed asparagus. I hope you like it."

"Everything you make is wonderful Uncle. But you didn't need to do all of this for me."

"That's rubbish. You, little bird, are special to my Luke, and I will not let him loose you. If making you dinner is all it takes to keep you around, I will make sure he makes you dinner nightly." He said while laughing.

I laughed with him. This weekend has really turned out to be an amazing one. I'm a little bit disappointed that it has to end.

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