Part 191 A Game Like What?

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Part 191 - Wednesday December 18th

Nathan's POV

"A game like what Baby?" North asked looking a little nervous.

"How about Flip, Sip or Strip?" She gave a small smile and blushed a deep rose color. My jaw almost hit the floor and I know my eyes were bugging out. What in the blue blazes? Is this the same shy Peanut?

North boomed his first reaction, "WHAT THE HELL, BABY?" Then he must have thought about what this could mean, seeing Sang strip? Um yeah! His tone was more reserved and a little teasing, "you want to do a strip tease for us? Because I don't need to play a game if that's what you want to do."

She smirked at him, "No North, I am not suggesting I do a strip tease. So the rules of the game are: If you get the study guide question wrong you have to Flip a coin and while it is in the air, call heads or tails."

I pulled out a quarter from my pocket, "I got the coin." I smiled really big at her.

She continued, "If you guess right, you are safe. We just go on to the next question. If you guess wrong, you either have to take one article of clothing off (a pair of socks counts as one article of clothing) or you have to drink a shot of..." She looked around and poked her finger to her lower lip, "soda?" She asked questioningly.

I nodded with that choice, "we don't want to get drunk so soda sounds like a good choice."

Holding up one finger and winking at us she said, "there is just one catch... you cannot do the same thing (sip or strip) twice in a row. So if you take the shot of soda, the next time you HAVE to strip. Or vice versa."

I swallowed hard and waited to hear what North thought first. I was all for this game, but I don't want North to beat the snot out of me either.

North wrapped his arms around her waist and rumbled about an octave lower than normal, "sounds like you have given this game some thought. If this is what you want us to play, I will oblige."

"I'm game Peanut. Let me get the soda and cups." I went to the kitchen and got the small juice glasses and a 2 Liter bottle of Grape soda. We had coke too, but Grape soda is sweeter and if we are going to have to drink something, it should be sugary sweet.

North had gotten out our study guide and told us, "we will each get sixteen questions to answer. If you missed each one, that is a total of eight pieces of clothing to come off. Baby, do you have eight pieces of clothing to remove?" He chuckled.

"I don't plan on getting all sixteen of my questions wrong North Star. Now are we ready?"

"We are Peanut. Do you want to ask a question first?"

She asked North the first question and he got it right. North asked me the second question and I got mine right. As I was trying to ask Sang her first question I was thinking, what if the others find out about us playing this game? Sang got her question right and then I voiced my concern. "Can we NOT divulge this game to the others? I don't think some of them would care, but I don't want hours for this from Kota or worse... Surveillance duty from Mr. Blackbourne."

"No shit Sherlock." North rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't care if Silas knew or even Doc, but I don't want to make Victor mad or deal with Gabe's drama."

Sang sweetly told us, "I wasn't planning on telling everyone. What happens here, stays here. I just thought I might do well on the test if I have incentive to stay focused."

We were on the third round and North asked me, "what is the area of a triangle with the base being 11cm and the height 6cm?"

"Easy, 66cm." I reached out for the study guide and North refused to give it to me. Sang was holding up the coin. "What? I don't need to flip the coin." I informed her.

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