Part 129

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Part 129
Tuesday Dec. 3

Luke's POV

I was almost bouncing in my seat as the minutes of my last class ticked by slowly. I think the minute hand on the clock actually went backwards at one point. I bit my tongue as I held back an outburst against the clock that seemed to hate me during this hour.

I tried to remind myself, 'If you get detention, you miss time with Forever.' Nothing will stop me from spending time with my sugar. Mmmm, sugar. I can always use some sugar. I get her to myself for a few hours until North gets back from his shift at the diner. I wonder what food reward she is cooking up in her brain?

Tonight, North and I will have to sneak in her room again after Uncle goes to sleep. He is ok with her staying the night, but he hasn't agreed to the three of us sleeping in the same bed together. Hell, he hasn't agreed to she and I sharing a bed together. He doesn't know about our plan to all love her and I don't know how he would react to learning this. After the text thread from last class period I am just hoping Uncle doesn't bring up the condom thing again. Especially in front of Sang!

Thinking back to the text for everyone but Sang, I wanted to blurt out my laughter. I shook silently with the laughter I was containing, just remembering what transpired.

Kota: my mom was not happy with Ten staying the night last night. I have a punishment to fulfill today after school.

Mr. B: how long are you grounded for?

Kota: I should be able to finish the punishment today.

Nathan: all 6 hours worth???

Silas: 6 hours of what?

Kota: my mom's version of sex ed with videos and test

Doc: maybe all of you should show brotherly love and support Kota by attending Erica's seminar

Gabe: no fucking way! It's bad enough hearing it from you Doc!

Mr. B: when someone gets hours, we all get hours. Family first.

North: I have a shift at the diner

Luke: I have committed to Cupcake to pay up my reward.

Victor: not that I want to hear about sex from Erica or watch her videos again, but if you need my support Kota, I'll be there. Anything is better than being around my parents right now.

Nathan: aw shit! Victor had to go and be nice. Fine! I can be there too. Bring on the nightmares again!

Silas: if it includes dinner, I can go. What about you Doc? Mr. B?

Doc: I have a shift at the hospital today.

Gabe: HA! Yea, if you fucking go Mr. B, I'll go too.

Mr. B: very well. Someone needs to keep you boys in line. And it would be good to know what she is teaching. I will see you there Mr. Coleman.

Gabe: Goddamnit! Dinner better be good.

Kota: thanks. Don't forget the test at the end.

Ha ha ha ha! Only three of us got out of it. Although, the conversation with Uncle before our Thanksgiving trip was my parental figures version of sex ed. He even gave a similar talk to North. North told me while we were in Charlotte and we both had a good laugh about it.

*bing, bing, bing* FINALLY!!! I jumped out of my seat, running through the halls, to get to Sang outside of the gym. Silas has agreed to take us to my house.

We all congregated in the hall outside of the gym. Kota took control after he counted us all off in his head.

"Nathan, you're with me. Silas, you are taking Luke and Sang, then coming over to my house. North, you are headed to the diner. Victor, you've got Gabe." He then turned to Sang, "Ten, I'll see you tomorrow at school." He held her cheek in his hand, running his thumb over her cheekbone. We had all formed a circle around her so no one could see what we were doing.

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