Part 152 Feels Like Home

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Part 152 - Saturday Dec. 7th

Sang's POV

When we got to Sean's condo, Meanie hopped out the back and opened my door while Luke got our bags from the trunk. "Oh, are we all staying the night here?"

"Doc and the three of us, no one else." Luke announced with a smile. I wonder how we will arrange sleeping? We cannot all fit in Sean's bed. Oh well, we'll figure that out later.

Meanie knocked a couple times in a random rhythm and unlocked the front door. I smile again at the simplicity of the code.

Sean's voice greeted us before we saw him. He stepped out of the kitchen holding a big bowl of popcorn and a bag of gummy bears. "Gabe, go grab the drinks. Luke, put those bags upstairs. Pookie" he stuck out his elbow, "come with me."

He escorted me the ten steps it took to get to the couch. I was giggling. He could have just said, "go sit on the couch", but instead he made sure to escort me. Sean set the popcorn and candy on the coffee table and Meanie was exiting the kitchen with bottles of soda.

As Luke descended the stairs Sean put his hands on his hips, "Pookie informed me she has never seen 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' and I told her we would be watching it."

Both Luke and Gabriel were already laughing, looking at each other they crowed, "Krull the Warrior King!" and continued laughing.

"That was exactly what brought about the discussion of this movie in the first place. So, Pookie, are you ready for movie time?"

I had a huge smile across my face. If the boys were laughing this much just thinking about the movie, I think I would like to watch it. "Yes, I cannot wait."

Sean sat on my left, Gabe sat on my right and Luke sat on the floor in front of me. He sat between my legs and draped my calves over his chest. Throughout the movie the guys were holding my hand, tickling my leg, massaging my shoulders, and rubbing my feet. This was one of the best movies I have watched with them. Not because of the movie, but the way they are showing me how special I am.

It really was a funny movie. And Matthew McConaughey as Ben, is funny. Even though all these bad things are happening to him, because Andie is making them happen, he is sticking to his guns for a bet. But in the end...he loves her.

Might I add, that yellow dress she wore to the party at the end was gorgeous. And I might have let it slip to Meanie what I thought of the dress. His eyes lit up and I know he was planning on finding one just like it. Where I was going to wear a dress like that, I do not know, but it was pretty.

I have to say, the scene that got me the most was when Andie needed a shower after riding on the motorcycle and she got all teary eyed sitting on the toilet in the bathroom. Ben asked her "is everything okay?" and I could see the look he gave her was the same look I have seen on all nine of my guys faces before.

Andie responded, "It's more than okay. I love everything about this house, the noise, the smells..." Ben of course makes a joke to break the tension, "the smells... That's Uncle Arnold." Ben scoot right up in front of Andie, crouches down in front of her and asks, "what's wrong?" Andie replies, "It's just that when your mom hugged me today, she really hugged me...for winning a game of bullshit." I understood what she was saying about someone hugging her for her and it being a real hug. Tears started streaming down my face.

Ben then tells Andie, "Sweetie, that's a good" She gives him this grimace smile and he tells her, "okay you're scaring me..." And they both giggle. Staring into each other's eyes they lean in and kiss. And it was one of those movie magic kisses that makes you feel all tingly inside. I must have made a noise or something because all three of the guys squeezed me a little tighter, then returned to stroking my calf, rubbing my hand and tickling my arm.

The song, "feels like home" started playing in the background. Andie then raises her arms and Ben lifts her shirt off as he stands up. He keeps his arms raised for her to remove his shirt too. I could feel my cheeks heat as I watched this because I wasn't watching the characters get in the shower together, but instead I was envisioning myself with each of the boys. I could see that scenario working for all nine of them.

I didn't turn my head but I could feel eyes boring into my skull from both Sean and Gabriel. And if it wouldn't have been blatantly obvious for Luke to turn around, I'm sure he would have been watching me then too.

When the movie was over, they all looked at me and Gabriel asked, "so, what did you think?"

My reply might not make sense to them, but it did to me. "I know what home feels like now, too." They all looked at me with confusion but didn't say anything.

Sean looked at his watch, "we have about three hours until you need to be back here to get ready for your evening out with Owen. How about we all go get some lunch?"

"Ooo, can we go to that Mexican place, "Frankie's"?" Luke piped up.

"That hole in the wall? Trouble needs to go to classier places than that."

"But they have the best Mexican food. And it only looks like a hole in the wall from the outside." Luke protested.

"Frankie's does have the best chips and salsa." Sean interjected.

"And that green chili ranch dip you like so much..." Luke kept pestering Gabe.

Meanie looked at me, "what do you want Trouble?"

"Let's try Frankie's! Then if we still have some time to kill maybe we can go somewhere you want to go." I offered as a compromise.

Meanie lit up, "I know the perfect place! But we will have to eat quickly!" He ran to the door and was putting his shoes on.

Sean laughed, leaned in to whisper in my ear, "you know you just gave free reign to Gabe for about two hours of your time?"

"I know, but he looks so happy. And when Gabe looks happy, Luke also looks happy."

"But are you happy?" Sean's eyebrows crunched up as he held my cheek with one hand.

"I am. I'm home." I went up on tip toe and kissed Sean, with a sweet kiss that just lingered.

"Hey now! I'm hungry! You two can kiss later." Luke griped playfully, then laughed as he and Gabriel left to get in the car.

I broke off the kiss, "come on Dr. Sean. We don't want to keep the kids waiting." He laughed again, slung his arm around my neck and escorted me out to the car.

For those that just want to watch this particular scene from the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" you can google "how to lose a guy in 10 days- bathroom scene" and the scene is about 2:41 long.

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