Part 190 Storytime at Lunch

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Part 190 - Wednesday December 18th

Sang's POV

When we got to Nathan's house, I didn't dither around. I made a bee line for the kitchen and began preparing the lunch. Luke and North came in offering their services. I allowed them to chop and peel, but when it came time to mix, coat or stir something, I refused their help.

"Go on! You can wait like everyone else for lunch." I shooed them out the door and got back to the task at hand.

When Owen and Sean arrived, the chicken and yams were in the oven, the appetizer was ready and I put the zucchini on the stove to steam. I came out of the kitchen saying, "It is time!"

Luke stood up, bowed to everyone then began singing "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast. Gabriel of course joined in and even had show moves to go with it. I covered my mouth as I laughed at their playfulness. Sean stood next to me watching their antics, then kissed me until I was clinging to him to stay upright. "I love your giggles, Pookie. It gives me reason to kiss you."

Everyone went into the dining room, where the boys had set the table very nicely, and found their seats. Victor was on my right and Kota was on my left.

I had just served everyone the appetizer, Butternut squash soup. I had even used some heavy cream to write the first letter of their name in the soup, like the recipe suggested. It was pretty and fancy looking. A bright orange, creamy soup with a white S, S, S, O, V, D, L, G, N and N written in the center.

"Nice presentation Cupcake. Uncle would be proud."

"Wow Princess! You never cease to amaze me." Victor was holding my chair out for me, waiting for me to join the family for lunch.

"Can you guys stop yammering, so we can get to eating?" Nathan complained. "I'm hungry!"

"Miss Sorenson, Sang, thank you for making this fabulous lunch. Since you worked so hard preparing the meal, we will clean up and do dishes. Now, would you do the honors of taking the first bite so the others will know they may begin eating?" I felt so weird as they all stared at me. I picked up my soup spoon, scooped away from me, like I read in an etiquette book, and slurped down the first bite. I giggled at the noise I had just made. The guys were smiling, and quickly dug into their soup.

"So, you were going to tell me earlier about Uncle being a ladies man and that one incident. Can you tell me now? We are all together." I was practically bouncing in my seat.

Luke began, "It was just after North and came over from Greece, so we were about 13 yrs old. Mr. B and Doc were 16 and thought they were big shot teenagers." Sean chuckled. Luke stuck his tongue out at Doc and crossed his eyes, then continued telling the story. "We were having a trust building exercise, prescribed by the Academy. We were over at our house and we had been doing some exercises that the psychologist suggested."

North interrupted, "I was being a dick and not cooperating."

Gabe animatedly continued, "that's when I, Gabriel Joseph Coleman, master of games, had the most fucking brilliant idea ever!"

Nathan rolled his eyes, "all you did was say, 'Let's play fucking Sardines, instead of this shit!' How is that the most brilliant idea ever?" We all laughed at how the story was going.

"Hey, that game of Sardines was the first time we really worked together as a whole team." Meanie defended.

"Mr. Coleman is telling you the truth, Miss Sorenson. Much to my dismay, this was my first failure."

Sean nearly choked on his soup. Coughing and spluttering, he then swallowed hard and asked, "your FIRST failure? Do we need to stop and recount the ways Owen?"

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