Part 67

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Part 67

Nathan's POV

Yes! Finally We are rock climbing! This is my favorite activity and I have a good chance at actually winning the kiss this time. I have been dying to kiss Peanut all day. And watching my brothers get that opportunity is hard.

It is only North, Mr. B and I that haven't kissed her yet. And I'll be damned if I don't get a kiss too.

"Welcome to rock climbing, my name is Chad. Has anyone not done this before?"

We all point to Peanut and she raises her tiny hand, all shy. Kota shifts his stance and puts his hand on the small of her back. She looked at him and smiled. Beautiful!

"All right. We have 4 ropes so we can harness 8 of you at a time. 4 for climbing and 4 for belaying. When you are ready to climb, the climber must ask, where I can hear, "on belay?" Meaning are you ready? If the belayer, or anchor is ready, their response needs to be, "belay on!" Again, loud enough for me to hear you."

"Hey Chad! We are racing each other up the wall. Are you good with that?" I asked him.

"Absolutely! Which course do you want to do? Easy, medium or hard?"

"Hard!" We all say at the same time.

"The yellow holds are the hard course." Chad told us.

Peanut looked really nervous now. "Peanut, you can do the easy course since it is your first time if you want. We have all gone rock climbing a number of times." She turned and glared at me like I said she was incompetent and I quickly back pedaled. "If you like the hard course better, I am sure you can show us all how to do it with grace and finesse."

"Mr. Griffin I would suggest you stop talking before you dig yourself into a hole you cannot get out of." That made Peanut giggle.

"It's ok Mr. Blackbourne. I know what he is saying, I just don't like you guys thinking I can't keep up."

"Aggele, we don't think you can't keep up. We just don't know everything you can do yet. But we will soon enough."

"Baby, do whichever course you want. We don't care. Just you doing this with us makes the day perfect."

"This has been the best birthday ever Trouble. Thanks for making it that way."

"And it makes up for North's messed up birthday, my messed up birthday and then your messed up birthday. Sorry Gabe, but this is as much the three of our birthday parties as it is yours." I told him pointing at North, Sang and myself.

"Why don't we count the day here as everyone's birthday, and the cake and presents later can be just my own." Gabe suggested.

"That is very mature of you Mr. Coleman."

Everyone except Peanut and Doc got their harnesses on. The first four climbing were North, Gabe, Victor and myself. And our belays were Silas, Luke, Mr. B and Kota.

We all got ourselves set, attached the ropes, the belays anchored themselves and then as a team we all said, "on belay?"

The other four responded as a team, "belay on!"

"Climbers ready? Go!" Doc called to give us a start time. He was being the time keeper and our belayer was keeping us honest with only being able to place our hands and feet on the yellow holds.

Because we have all climbed before, we are fast! We don't even hesitate to go for the big reaches. Some of the littler guys have to jump to catch their next hold but there isn't any fear if you are harnessed with a belayer.

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