Part 145

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Part 145 - Friday Dec. 6th

Victor's POV

In Japanese class I got to have a conversation with Sang. We were to just practice talking to one another. Dr. Green came around to each of the groupings, sat on the desk and would ask you a question. Together you were to help one another and answer him.

The other groups looked like he was speaking Clingon or something. Come on...we should know at least a few verbs and nouns. Enough to be able to say, "I like pants" and "where is the bathroom?" at least. One of the first phrases he taught us was "May I be excused?" just so we could leave his class. Yet the other groupings weren't even asking to be excused when they couldn't answer him. I was getting frustrated for Dr. Green.

I could hear the questions he asked the groups that were next to us. "What is your favorite color?" "What food do you like to eat?" & "Where do you live?" Obviously easy questions with easy answers to be given. So I wasn't too nervous when he came to us last.

With a smile on his face Doc commented, "Watashi wa kore o kirai! Anata wa sore ga shumatsu no kofun shite iru?" (I hate this! Are you excited it's the weekend?)

"Watashi wa watashi no jikan kon'ya no tame ni junbi ga dekite imasu." (I'm ready for my time tonight.). I answered with a smile and pointed look at Princess.

"Dare ga shumatsu o sukide wanai." (Who doesn't like the weekend?). Sang responded just as happy.

"Dono yo ni oku no watashinoie ni narimasu ka?" (How many will be at my house?). Doc asked.

"Foeba, Ijiwaruna hito, to watushi." (Meanie, Forever and myself.). Sang answered.

"Soshite kon'ya?" (And tonight?). Doc questioned.

"Geibu to watashitachi." (Gabe and us.) I replied trying to keep it all vague in case anyone else really does understand us.

The bell rang for class to be over and I walked Sang to gym class. "I hate PE more than any class. It might just ruin the start of my weekend." She sighed.

"It can't be that bad, you are in there with Gabe and Nathan." I offered.

"Maybe if they let the girls and boys mix together more often it wouldn't be that bad."

"Well as soon as this last hour of hell is over, you get to go play at the diner with Luke, Gabe and Silas." I said cheerily. Then I stepped right up behind her, leaned into her ear, and lowering my voice to a husky whisper said, "tonight you get to play with me."

I could see Princess smile and she gave a slight shiver. I chuckled with pleasure. I love when I affect her. Just looking at her affects me is ways that are inappropriate to be expressed at school.

She brought me right out of my thoughts when she asked me, "will you take me to see North after my shift is over?" How could anyone say no to her? I would give her anything, everything.

"Of course I'll take you to see him. Will Luke be taking you to Nathan's house after you are done, or should I pick you up from the diner?"

"I will be going to Nathan's. I need to get my things for the weekend. I'm sure Gabriel will want a say in what I wear." She was giggling.

"I will meet you at Nathan's then." I traced my fingers over the back of her hand before she entered the gym dressing room.

As I walked to my class, more of the song I had been creating for Sang flooded my brain. I was lost in the song in my head. I know I am walking towards my class without even needing to think how to get there, but behind my eyes, what I see amazes me.

I am out in a huge meadow filled with wild flowers. In the middle is a black grand piano. How a grand piano got out here in the middle of a meadow I have no idea, but right next to the out of place piano is Princess looking happy and gorgeous as ever.

Wow! The way the late afternoon light is coming in at this angle puts a golden glow shining off her beautiful blond hair and is making her skin shine as if she was touched by Midas himself. I notice she is wearing a black strapless dress that is fitted to her waist then flares out to a full skirt that hits at her knees. It has a white fat ribbon tied around her waist. Her heels are a black strappy open toed shoe. Her hair is pulled up off her shoulders. She looks absolutely graceful and elegant.

Looking down at myself I see that I am in one of my tuxes. Not a performance tux, but one I would wear to a social event. I don't know how either of us got here, I just found we were here. Princess waved me forward toward her.

That was all the invitation I needed to join my Princess at the piano. When I reached her, she wrapped her hands around my neck, my hands were on her waist. She drew tiny circles on the back of my neck with her fingernails sending heat straight to my groin.

"Play for me?" She asks sweetly.

"It would be my pleasure. This song expresses my love for you." I sat at the piano, readied my hands, looked up at my Princess and realize she is standing off to the side. That won't do! "Please come here." I pat the bench seat next to me.

Sang moved over and sat next to me. She left enough space between us that I could move my hands up the piano keys. "Is this ok?" She asked in her angelic voice. As I looked over at Princess, her big green eyes hypnotized me. I couldn't move or speak. The only thing I could do was feel.

I felt heat smoldering deep in my eyes as Sang held me mesmerized. Her breath hitched as she too seemed transfixed on my eyes. Her eyes closed for just a moment and it was enough for me to look away. I have to play this for her before I cannot think straight.

I played for her with more passion in a piano piece than I have ever poured into a song. By the time I finished the song I was breathing like I had just run a marathon. I turned back to look at Sang and ask her what she thought. What I saw made my heart squeeze hard. Princess had tears streaming down her cheeks.

I felt defeated. Did she not like it? I have never composed a song before, then when I do... I leave my girl crying and upset with me. What have I done?

"That was resplendent." She whispered, her voice catching as she spoke.

"You really liked it?" Why do I lack confidence now? She already told me she liked it, don't question her on it. Idiot!

"I don't have the words to tell you how much I liked it." She closed the distance between our mouths, kissing me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, happy to have this moment with her.

As if she has looked into my dreams and watched my fantasies of her, Princess moves so she is sitting on my lap. I reach behind her and close the cover over the piano keys. Leaning forward, I push Princess to lean back against the piano. I began lavishing her neck, shoulders and chest with kisses.

I could feel the zipper on the back of her dress. I traced my finger up the length of the zipper and then back down. She didn't flinch or even question that move. I traced my finger back up the length of the zipper before I took the zipper between my fingers and slowly lowered the zipper down, giving her a chance to stop me. But she doesn't. I sat back keeping eye contact as I felt the dress slide down to her waist.

"Hey Victor! Didn't you hear the bell?" Mike asked me.

"What?" I blinked my eyes many times, clearing my vision and coming back to reality.

He laughed. "Dude, you walked into class in a total haze, sat down and never moved the whole class. As you can see, no one is left in class anymore. It is the weekend." He slapped me on the back and laughed as he left the room.

Woah! I don't even remember coming into class, let alone sitting down in my chair, sitting through a whole class without hearing a sound other than my daydream fantasy playing out before my eyes.

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