Part 140

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Part 140 - Thursday Dec. 5th

Sang's POV

School was school. We all went and acted normal. The boys said they had some interesting leads to check on but to continue doing the things I normally would. When I was in Music class, Mr. Blackbourne had told me that he would be taking me to the hospital after school and I was to meet him in his office. Dr. Green had to work at the hospital again and left during the last class.

"Everyone have somewhere they need to be?" Kota was asking outside of gym.

"I am headed to the diner. Anyone available to help pick up North's shift with me?" Luke was asking.

"I can." Nathan answered.

"You always fucking know I can help." Gabriel rolled his eyes at Luke.

"Thanks, we can use both of you." Luke nodded.

"Victor, I need to go over some things with you. Silas, can you join us?" Kota questioned.

"Yea, wherever you need me." Silas replied.

"After you are done with your assignment or work, make a point to visit North. He has got to be going stir crazy about now." Kota instructed. Everyone agreed and then Nathan, Luke and Gabe left to go to the diner. Kota, Silas and Victor walked me to the office.

By now there were only a few students and faculty left milling about in the school. The buses had already left and I was pretty sure that the student drivers had made it a point to get out of the parking lot within the first 5 minutes of school letting out. No one wanted to be here past the school day.

We were two weeks away from our winter break. The school board had planned for the students to take their semester finals before the winter break so everyone can enjoy their vacation. It also ensured that students showed up those last three days of school before the break. If you missed your finals, you failed your classes. Simple as that.

Silas walked with his arm around my shoulders. Victor was on my other side and held my hand, rubbing his thumb over the tender skin between my thumb and pointer finger. Kota walked just in front of me. Enough that I wouldn't trip into him, but from where he walked, you wouldn't know that I was there unless you were behind me. The guys always encircled me like this when we walked places. I secretly loved it. Feeling protected, cared about and loved.

Kota knocked on Mr. B's door and we heard a muffled, "enter" from the other side of the door. I don't know why I suddenly felt so nervous.

After we entered the office, Victor shut the door behind us. Both Victor and Kota sighed. Victor turned to me, cupping my face with his hands, "I hate being at school. May I kiss you now?"

I let out a little giggle as I whispered, "yes, you don't need ..." That was as far as I got before his lips were pressed against mine. It was a chaste but passionate kiss. I could feel the fire I see in his eyes pour out through this tender embrace. When he ended the kiss and stepped back, Kota was right there in my personal space.

Kota's body pressed me up against the door. He grabbed my hands and looked at my fingers, doing a quick count, when he sighed out a quiet, "ten". Then his mouth descended on mine. It wasn't the same fire as Victor, Kota's kiss was more hungry and wanting. Then he stepped back and Kota spoke to Mr. B while Silas picked me up into a Silas hug, burying his face in the crook of my neck. I instinctually wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

He was placing gentle kisses along my neck and shoulder and rumbling Greek phrases in my ear. All I understood was "my angle" but I knew he was being sweet and most likely romantic. He has a way with words and he is not afraid to use them. All I could hear was Silas, so I had no clue what Kota and Mr. Blackbourne were talking about.

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