Eggs and Toast

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Andy wakes up the next morning and stares at his sleeping husband, who seems to be the most relaxed during his dream state. He softly trails his fingers up and down his arms, missing his soft skin. He stops when his husband stirs and eventually opens his eyes, meeting his blue eyed lover. Remington does a shy smile and scrunches his nose.

"Good morning," he says in a barely audible hoarse whisper.

"Good morning my beautiful hubby,' Andy says in his deep voice, making Remington shiver. 

"Can you make breakfast? Pleaaaaaaase?" Remington whines, rolling on his side now. 

Andy chuckles and almost grabs his hand but stops himself. He slides it to his side and hmphs, feeling a twinge of sadness. "What do you want love?"

"Just a little bit of eggs and toast? But if it's too much of a hassle don't worry about it. You know what Ands, forget it. I'm sorry."

Andy gives him a soft smile. "You need to eat baby. Of course I'll make it for you. You wanna help me?"

Remington bites his nail and grows nervous. "I, um, I don't know Andy."

"Oh come on babe, it'll be good for you! And might be more fun too. Come on let's go."

Remington sits up on the bed and prepares for the sharp pain to happen. Andy stays next to him to catch him if he falls. He slowly stands up and groans loudly, feeling the pain tingle all the way to his stomach. He eventually is all the way up and limps to the kitchen, following his husband. Remington looks left and right at every corner of the house and his breathing becomes quicker. 

"It's okay babe. It's just us here. Lonny went out for the day so it's just us."

Remington shakily nods and walks into the kitchen, pulling out four eggs and milk. Andy pulls out a bowl, whisk and a pan. Remington slowly breaks the eggs into the bowl, then pours the milk slowly in. He whisks it and Andy smiles at him, seeing some sort of normalcy in him. Andy turns on the stove and puts the pan on, also with a scoop of butter. He puts the toast in the toaster and Remington pours the eggs into the skillet, slowly flipping them to be scrambled. Andy grabs them each a plate but hears a shriek when the toaster loudly pops up. Remington drops to the floor and cowers, tears rushing instantly.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry don't hurt me!" He cries out.

Andy quickly turns off the stove top and sits in front of his scared lover. 

"Baby, you are safe. No one is here to hurt you. It's me, your husband, Andy, remember? We are in our house. It's safe here yeah?"

Remington holds his knees against his chest tight and sobs, not knowing what to believe.

"Remi, I'm going to touch your feet okay? Is that okay?"

He slowly nods and puts his feet into Andy's lap. Andy starts to rub his feet gently and Remington's tears start to stop.

"Is this okay?" Andy asks quietly.

Remington nods and sniffles. "It, um, it feels nice I think."

Andy smiles and continues to rub his feet, helping him ground himself. 

"How's your breathing baby, you okay?"

Remington nods and whispers, "I'm sorry Ands. I ruin everything."

"Shhh, relax, you okay to stand up?" 

Remington nods and slowly stands up next to Andy, scooping the eggs on each of their plates while Andy butters the toast. They end up sitting at the bar stools and they eat quietly, Remington reserved to looking down. 

Once they are finished, Andy watches his husband actually take the dishes and wash them slowly, but these are all huge steps for him! He turns around once he's done and smiles at Andy.

"I, um, I love you Ands." He whispers and looks down shyly.

Andy steps closer to him and smiles back, "I love you too baby."

"C...can we watch a movie in the living room? And it okay if you rub my feet again?" 

"Of course darling. Let's go." Andy's heart jumps out of his chest in happiness and they go into the living room, relaxing into each other's company.

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