Isolation and Desperation

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Remington wakes up the next morning by himself to an empty bed. His eyes burn when he opens them. He can't move his body, he feels so heavy. Depression takes him over again when he remembers what he said to Andy. A cheerful nurse comes in, giving him his tray of breakfast. She leaves the room in a hurry and Remington stares at it emptily. He lays back down and closes his eyes, going back to sleep.

He wakes up around noon, the lights blinding him. He sees Sebastian sitting in the corner.

"Hey bub, good to see you awake." He smiles sincerely. He pushes the tray to him and Remington notices it's now lunch food, a sandwich and chips and a pickle.

"Please eat something baby," Sebastian says sweetly. 

His eyes are still burning and he barely shakes his head, closing his eyes again. Sebastian gets closer and brings the sandwich to his lips. 

Remington takes a small nibble and forces himself to swallow it painfully. He closes his eyes and falls back asleep.

He opens his eyes at 4:30 and nausea is hitting him crazily. It wasn't under he felt arms around him he groaned out loud, wanting his bed to his lonesome self.

"Emmy you don't have to stay in bed with me," he whimpers. 

"I'm not Emerson but I rather stay and hold you if that's okay," a deep voice says behind him.

"Andy?" He looks down at the arms and sees the same tattooed hands and arms around him. He's too exhausted to turn around so he approves of this.

"You cam back," he tears up. "You left me..."

"No baby. I'm sorry. I just thought you rather have some time with your brothers after what you said. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just left like that. It wasn't right of me. I just want you to be okay baby."

"I threw up again," Remington whimpers, tears burning his eyes.

"I heard. And I'm so fucking sorry Rems. Here let me help you eat. I heard you took a small bite for Sebastian."

Andy takes the sandwich and puts it to his husband's lips, helping him eat. 

"Don't go too fast Remi baby. Take it slow."

Remington whimpers in acknowledgement and weakly takes nibbles, making Andy proud.

Andy helps him drink his Sprite and he eats half the bag of chips.

"Such a good boy," he whispers in his ear.

"Can I sleep now?" 

"Yeah baby. I'm waking you up for dinner though okay?"

"Promise me you won't be gone when I wake up?"

"I promise baby. Don't worry at all."

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