Doctors and Lawyers

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Everything was going fine. The airplane had no turbulence, the couple watched Disney Pixar's Cars, they ate their pretzels and slept cuddled close. They were excited to touch down in Atlanta and to find an OBGYN. Their new life. Their new bundle of joy. Until....

They stepped off the plane, hand in hand, nothing is said but the quiet is welcoming. They were both ready to order in and go to sleep, start a fresh new day. Except when they were met with police and hospital staff.

"Are you Mr. Remington Leith?" A burly officer asks, his arms folded across his chest.

"Um, Biersack now," he says unsurely.

Andy pulls Remington into his arms and stares at the officer intensely. "What can we help you with?"

"We received a phone call that Mr. Leith is jeopardizing his life and cannot care for himself. We need to take him into custody now to evaluate him."

The officer grabs Remington's arm, pulling him to the medical staff.

Remington pulls back in fear, his eyes wide. "Andy! Andy make them stop! Andy!"

"Who says he is fucking jeopardizing his health? He is fine! He is pregnant and having morning sickness and that's it! Who made the call? Huh?"

They handcuff Remington's hands behind his back, he's sobbing in fear. "Andy please oh god!"

The officer sighs, "The calls are anonymous. Once he is evaluated physically and mentally we will make the call. You are more than welcome to call his case worker and go from there."

Andy stands there in disbelief, quickly pulling out his phone and dialing his lawyer. Luckily for him, his lawyer is a good friend since he started in the music business.

"Joe, yeah it's me Andy. Some fucked up shit is happening and I need you now."

Emerson paces in his house, not knowing what to do. Remington wasn't trying to kill himself, he was happy, wasn't he? He was throwing up a lot but if he was pregnant....then it makes sense. He couldn't handle it.

Sebastian sits at the table, waiting for an update.

"Seb, this wasn't fucking right." Emerson finally says, holding his own cuppa tea.

"You know he can't take care of himself Emerson not now and especially not with a baby."

"Do you really think that or are you just pissed that he is going to need more time off? Seriously Sebastian. You really think he needs to be in a fucking 24/7 mental institution?!" His phone starts ringing and Andy's name pops up. He quickly declines it, staring at his brother.

"Yes, yes I do! He is anorexic Emmy! He won't eat unless Andy feeds him! And if they fight he goes right back! How is that good for a baby? He's been drinking himself like crazy and you know that baby is going to be hurt from it! So what's going to happen, is he going to starve the baby too?"

"You know that's all fucking wrong. He would never hurt his baby. You are being so evil Sebastian."

"Well the hospital will decide if he is okay enough to even carry it or if they need to get rid of it. And if he needs to stay."

Andy paces in the lobby at the facility, waiting to hear anything at all from either side. He has threatened every single person he's spoken to with their life and they are all scared to death for him to open his mouth again. He needs his husband and he needs him now.

Sebastian nor Emerson won't pick up the phone when he calls, Cowards. He will absolutely strangle them when he sees them. Pathetic, disgusting pieces of shit they both are! Just wait until I have my hands around their fucking throats. I'll kill them! How dare they try to hurt my husband!

Joe opens the lobby doors, his lean and muscular body making every head turn in his direction. The receptionist shrinks in her seat, scared of the yelling from another man.

"Your supervisor, now." He growls, watching the small girl scurry out of her seat.

He turns to Andy, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I've read the report. They should have done a wellness check and nothing else. Can you provide proof that he saw a doctor while he was overseas?"

Andy walks to his suitcase and pulls out a blue folder. "He went a couple times. Nothing was warranted bad though."

"Good, because we will need it."

An older man with white hair braided down to his back steps out to the lobby, looking at the two obviously pissed off men. "I was told someone was looking for a supervisor! I am Dr. Dillard, the head psychiatrist here. How can I help you two gentlemen?"

Joe steps forward, shaking the smaller man's hand. "I'm Joe Ferguson, Mr. Biersack's lawyer. His husband was taken here with no proof of the allegations reported against him. We have records that he seeked medical care when he was ill and we demand he is released before we press charges against this hospital and the county for allowing this to happen."

The doctor sighs, nodding his head. "Follow me this way, please."

"When he was admitted he was having a panic attack and we had to sedate him. He should be waking up any time now but he will be drowsy. We never had the chance to interview him so we were waiting until he came around." He leads them to an office and gestures for them to sit down while he sits at his desk.

"The caller had said that he was in an immediate danger to himself and that he has already harmed the baby. Is this true?"

Andy looks at Joe and he nods, telling him to speak. "He has been diagnosed with anorexia and he has PTSD. He has been working with doctors in Atlanta and in California to get his health back on track and they cleared him. He had previously had a heart attack and the cardiologist has cleared him. When he was overseas he became ill every day and he went to a doctor, who gave him medication to help if his sugar was too low. They never did a pregnancy test and we didn't even ask because of his prior history of nausea. It wasn't until he started showing that I realized and we went to the doctor as soon as we could. He's been eating, he needs to take meds to help with the nausea but as long as he takes it he eats fine."

Dr. Dillard nods, listening closely. "He has a past history of attempting suicide and I saw previous self harm scars. How is he doing with that?"

Andy's eyebrows furrows, "He's been fine. He hasn't injured himself at all in months. He's on antidepressants and they have helped him. He is so excited for this baby and is continuously bettering himself. The only thing the doctor said was the baby was small and he needs to eat more. He has. He's done what he's been told and we were going to find an OBGYN here."

The doctor writes it down in a folder, nodding. "We have to interview him first and give him and the baby an examination before letting him go. With no present scars or injuries I was surprised that the report suggested he had hurt the baby and the need to terminate it. If you like, you can go into his room and see him. He may still be unconscious."

Andy stands up quickly. "Take me to him."

Black Waves Part 2Where stories live. Discover now