Fans and Haters

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Remington slowly stretches his arms and legs, the jitters becoming extreme to get on stage. He doesn't want to face his fans. What can he say? The sex tape was actually me being forced but I had to make it look believable? He kidnapped and hurt me but our sex tape looks legit? I'm sorry Andy?

He frowns, he's been keeping to himself since last night. He couldn't manage to eat anything and he stayed distant from his husband. Andy had to force him to eat this morning and he made sure to take his glucose, knowing how his sugars can change drastically when he doesn't eat. No one has released any statements yet and no one even knows what to say. The situation is fucked. He's doomed.

"5 minutes!" Their tour manager yells. Andy walks over to Remington and puts both of his hands on his shoulders.

"Breathe baby. It'll be okay." Andy whispers, hoping to calm him down.

"I want to throw up," Remington whimpers, holding onto his stomach.

"Ignore anyone who is hating and have the time of your life babes. It'll be okay. I'm here sweetie aren't I?"

Remington slowly nods, shoving his head into Andy's chest. He's just too done and too tired to want to continue anymore. He rather go home and let his house swallow him whole.Remington sniffles, trying to hold back the tears.

"You know I never wanted to do it right?"

"Stop. Remi. Stop. I have no doubts. It'll be fine."

"1 minute!"

Remington hugs the man tightly, kissing his cheek. "I love you babes."

He then runs onstage, to a cheering crowd.

Andy carries Remington back to the bus, after their show and VIP had ended. He ended up falling asleep backstage and it made Andy concerned. VIP had a bunch of young kids and young adults asking so many questions regarding the incident that Sebastian eventually told them that he will not answer any questions. It made the fans rile more online accusing him of hiding the fact that he's cheating and that Andy deserves better. Remington took it all gracefully and didn't yell at anyone though. He just felt defeated.

There had been a couple instances during the show when a man would start yelling Cheater at him, loud enough for everyone to hear it. Security ended up escorting him out but it made no difference to the singer. He was a cheater.

Once the bus had started and gotten back on the road, it woke Remington up, filling his stomach with nausea again. He ripped himself from Andy's arms and makes it into the toilet just in time, his head pounding and his skin clammy. Andy runs after him and wipes a wash cloth over his face, cooling him down and helping to settle him. After he manages to go back into his bunk, Andy brings him some saltine crackers and water. Remington can only eat a couple but anything is better than nothing.

Andy holds him in his arms, shushing the tears and rocking him gently. "I love you, it'll be okay babes. I got you." He is terrified that his sugar will crash and he will lose all the weight he worked so hard for. 

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