Comas and Sex

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"Do you remember the first night we spent together? After we went to the movies and went to that burger place?" Andy asks, rubbing his husband's hand. Sebastian watches them from the other side of the room and his heart aches. He could never imagine if he was in this place with Larisa. 

Andy chuckles and brings his husband's limp hand to his lips. "You were so fucking scared it was adorable. And your brother kept texting you and telling you not to fuck on the first date." Sebastian tears up and laughs, knowing exactly how Emerson is.

"God kissing you in that theater and watching how cherry your face was, it was a turning point for me. Or how you challenged me to take you in that restaurant but I could tell you were bluffing you little virgin you."

"Don't tell me he told you he was a virgin," Sebastian chuckles.

"Nah just to sleeping with men, and god when we played that game at that party he was so fucking shy."

Sebastian cracks up laughing. "I forgot about Josie! And how we were all asking questions to you two because Remington looked like he was going to pass out from embarrassment! What did you say to him that night anyways?"

Andy smiles and continues to rub his husband's hand. "I told him he never had to fake an orgasm with me, and then he choked on his drink or something." 

"God he is so easy to embarrass. What did you guys even do on your date that night? Didn't he come home limping or something?"

"I know you don't want to hear this side of your brother Seb but God he was so alluring and sexy. But at the same time he was so innocent. He kept telling me he was scared he wouldn't be any good and how the fuck could he think that? Has he even seen himself in a mirror? He could just lay there and be enough he's so beautiful."

Andy tears up and kisses his hand, kissing each finger and knuckle. "He couldn't handle me that night. Once he saw me he started panicking asking why didn't I tell him up front that I was big."

Sebastian rests his head on his hands and laughs, remembering his brother's constant panicking about Andy even through this was funny as hell.

"Well, are you?"

Andy looks up at Sebastian and smirks. "Yes, and now he can take it like a trooper." He stops, his heart dropping. "Well, he used to take it well..."

A beeping starts coming from the ventilator and a nurse comes in to check it, checking his body as well. 

"Please tell me he's okay," Andy asks, worried like crazy.

"Just hold on tight, okay? I'm going to get his doctor in here."

Andy looks at Sebastian full of fear. 

Emerson joins them shortly, still waiting for the doctor. The beeping continues and Andy has been worried sick, kissing his face and forehead.

"Don't take this as rude, but why do you talk to him so much in here?" Sebastian asks quietly.

"When he was in a coma last he said he could hear me. He kept saying something about waves drowning him but he was able to repeat conversations I had with him. He said it felt great when I'd touch him and remind him that he was still here."

"Well shit Andy start talking dirty to him or something! Touch him a little, see if that wakes him up!" Sebastian says jokingly, making Andy chuckle. 

The doctor walks in and checks the monitors and puts a stethoscope on Remington's chest, listening to his heart and lungs. Everyone grows silent as they watch him, not knowing what's happening. 

The doctor turns to Andy and puts his hand on his shoulder, smiling. "This is good. He's breathing on his own. We are going to take the ventilator off of him and see how he handles it." 

Andy sobs in relief, thankful for the small amount of good news.

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