Drinks and Friends

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Remington is beyond pissed. How dare his husband accuse him of cheating? He even went through his phone! How dare he! It broke his heart knowing how Andy thinks of him now.

After meeting most of their fans and receiving bountiful of Nutella jars big and small, the last person is none other than the olive eyed beauty, running his hands through his curly hair.

"Hey you," Josh says, flashing the raven haired man a toothy smile.

"Well, what's the verdict? How did we do?" Remington giggles and bites his bottom lip.

"Hmm, well I found out you have an incredible voice. You are very strong and can climb beams. You look amazing shirtless and when you were crawling you had me hard in less than two seconds."

Remington chokes, shaking his head. "You are insane."

Josh laughs, resting his heavy hand on Remington's shoulder. "Hey you were the one asked. Not my fault I'm an honest man."

Remington rolls his eyes, "Yeah yeah yeah. Well it was nice seeing a familiar face out there. I was nervous."

"Why don't you come out with me tonight? My gang is hanging out a pub and I'm sure you can use more fun." He rubs the man's shoulder and neck, loosening him up.

"Nah it's fine. I have to talk to Andy anyways and he has my phone."

"Is Andy the husband that's never around?"

Remington shuffles uncomfortably. "No he is around a lot but we had a bit of a fight."

Josh chuckles. "Sounds like even more of a reason to come out with me tonight. Come on, I'll drop you back off here when we are done. I promise, you'll enjoy yourself heavily."

Remington nods, leaving his brothers to pack up.

The two enter a low lighted pub, full of young adults plastered out of their minds.

"Josh over here!" A redheaded lady stands up, waving them on. Josh grabs Remington's hand and guides him through the crowd, squeezing and passing through people. There are six people waiting for them. The redhead lady, a short brunette chubby man in glasses, a taller skinny blonde man with his hair styled beautifully, a very pregnant blonde lady who is sweating to all hell, a muscular brunette man covered in tattoos with his arm around the pregnant lady, assumingly her partner, and a raven haired woman with her hair covering most of her face. What a group.

"Guys this is Remington, he's my date for this evening."

Remington's eyes widen at Josh in shock. "Um, date?" He laughs nervously.

"Oh hush like you didn't know," Josh laughs loudly, sitting them both down at the round table.

"So is this the American coffee date you were telling us about?" The redhead winks, looking at Remington up and down.

"Canadian, Pammy. But he lives in the states now."

"You do look familiar," the chubby short man says. "I feel like I've seen you on a cover of a magazine or something recently."

Remington laughs nervously, tapping on his bottom lip. "Rolling Stones."

The man gasps, looking at Remington with wide eyes. "You are Andy Biersack's husband! The one that cheated on him!"

Guilt pools in his stomach and his face drops. "No I didn't cheat on him with that guy. Not everything in the media is true."

Josh pulls Remington into him tightly. "Now now Brendon don't be accusing my date of shit you don't know about. Let's let loose and have some drinks." Remington cringes every time the man says date but he isn't in the mood to fight it. Andy's mood when he got off stage has fire burning in his stomach.

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