Scrapes and Bruises

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Remington and Andy are playing checkers when they hear a light knock on the door. Emerson and Shy walk in slowly, smiling at the couple. Emerson has a bandage on his forehead and a sling around his arm, but overall in good spirits.

"How you feeling bub?" Emerson sits on the chair next to Remington's bed while Shy sits on his lap.

"Oh you know, fucking terrible. How does it feel to be God's favorite and already be discharged?"

Andy laughs loudly, shaking his head at his husband.

"Well a broken arm fucking sucks Remi. But not too bad "

Remington looks up from the checker board and smirks. "So does being stabbed, or wait I mean a chest tube. Fucker made my lung collapse."

Emerson smiles, holding his girlfriend close. "I heard you had a fucked up nightmare that something else happened. Are you okay now?"

Remington watches Shy suspiciously and nods, looking back down to try to stop his thoughts. William said she was involved, could it be true? No...No Remington no. It was just a dream.

"Um, yeah, I'm okay. It was uh very real. I'm glad none of it happened though... I really thought I was dead." He feels a heaviness in his head, his vision is getting slightly dizzy.

Remington looks up at Andy, trying to alert him to how he's feeling but his heart monitor starts to beep.

Andy looks at it and looks at his husband in worry. "Hey calm down sweetie, it's okay. Breathe slowly." He eyes the monitor again and it's still beeping, his husband's heart is all of a sudden going haywire.

"Um Em can you guys go ahead and leave?" Andy stands up quickly and presses the nurses button. 

"Are you sure? Rem are you okay?"

Remington looks at his brother with wide eyes, whimpering slightly.

"Em just please go and let me figure out what's going on! You guys go ahead and go home and we will follow shortly." Andy ushers the couple out of the room while two nurses come walking in quickly.

"Remington what's going on? How are you feeling?"

"'s coming outta my chest... And my head..."

The nurse moves Remington's bed down until it is completely flat, retaking his blood pressure and listening to his chest. 

Andy looks at his husband in horror, not knowing how to help. "What the fuck is going on?"

Remington's eyes widen, scared shitless. "I'm gonna vo-" 

A nurse quickly opens up a bag for him to throw up in just in time. Remington groans, feeling his body clam up.

A doctor comes into the room and watches his heart monitor then listens to his chest. "Okay we are going to inject some medicine into you. It'll help calm you down. Your heart is in SVT and you can't stay there for long with your previous cardiac history."

"What the hell are you talking about? Is he having another heart attack?" Andy asks worriedly, going to Remington's other side and holding his hand.

"No sir he's going through something called Supraventricular Tachycardia. His heart is randomly racing and it can become dangerous. Does anyone have his films?"

A tech rushes in and gives the doctor a folder and he looks at it carefully. "Looks like the bleeding hasn't stopped Mr. Biersack. It's not a huge bleed but it needs dealt with now. We are going to have to take you up to surgery now."

Remington looks at Andy in panic. "Andy don't let them take me please!"

Andy holds his hand, kissing his knuckles. "It'll be okay baby. It's okay. Breathe." He can't show Remi that he is panicking too.

The nurses fix up his bed raises his side railings, pushing him out of the room. Andy stares at them leaving while his husband is crying and throwing up still. How can he feel so helpless?

Andy paces in the waiting room, texting his brothers so often on what's going on. They left because they were so tired and in pain and Andy didn't blame them a bit. He would have taken Remington home if he could have. Everyone needs rest.

It's been two hours and Andy is restless, watching every nurse and doctor come into the room and talk to families. But no news is good news, right?

Finally a small man in scrubs enters the room, looking around. "Remington Biersack?"

Andy stands up quickly, alerting the surgeon and he walks over to the tired man quickly. 

"Mr. Biersack did rather well and is in recovery now. We were able to stop the bleeding in his brain and he will be as good as new. It wasn't a major bleed so there shouldn't be much to worry about. I want to keep him here under observation for at least 2 more days before I discharge him. He does need to see his doctor and cardiologist again so they can continue to monitor him. Do you have any questions for me?"

Andy shakes his head, not knowing what to say. 

"Okay if you have any feel free to call a nurse and I'll get back with you. Go to the desk there and they will tell you what room he is in now. And make sure you drink plenty of fluids and eat. Your concussion may not have been as bad but I can tell you aren't sleeping enough."

Andy nods, thanking the doctor and walks to the receptionist to find his boy.

He hurriedly found the room and Remington is already awake, drowsily taking in what just happened. 

"Good pain meds huh sweetheart?" Andy chuckles, leaning on the doorway.

"I'm fucking flying," Remington mumbles lazily. 

Andy sits next to him, rubbing his hands gently. "Had any good dreams baby?"

"You fucked me so good my eyes popped out."

Andy covers his mouth and laughs, shaking his head. "Get your mind out of the gutter Leith."

Remington rolls his eyes drowsily. "I'm going to sleep. Put a baby in me when I sleep Andrew. I give you permission."

Andy smiles at his husband, chuckling at his nonsense. "That won't do my little Remi. I want you awake and screaming when we conceive that baby. It'll be made with love."

Remington smiles gently, closing his eyes, his head playing out how it'll be pregnant with Andy's child.

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