Questions and Breakfast

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"Ow fuck!" 

Andy wakes up at the noise and sees his husband sitting up, his face cringing.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Andy instantly is at his side ready to help.

"Why did we sleep on this fucking hard ass floor instead of a bed? Who's grand idea was this?" Remington rubs his back and Andy laughs, thankful it wasn't anything serious.

"Yours dumby. You wanted to make out all night long in front of the fire."

"Talk some sense into me next time because fuuuuuuuuck my back kills."

They both stand up and stretch, Andy rubbing Remington's lower back to help with the pain. Remington flinches but allows him to help, eventually relaxing. 

"I can call us in some eggs and toast and fruit, coffee?" Andy asks, while Remington nods at him from the staircase. 

"I'm going to lay down in an actual bed for a minute." 

"Stay awake though, I want to talk to you and you have to eat."

Remington's eyes widen when he looks at his husband.

", are we okay Ands?" 

Andy walks over to him once he sees his fear and hugs him, feeling him tense a little. 

"Shhh, it's okay baby. Of course we are okay. I just want to talk a little about last night. I want us both on the same page, okay?"

Remington nods and kisses him softly. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable... I know things are different..."

"Oh hush you. Let me order this in and I'll be up there, okay? Stop your little stressing because everything you are telling yourself is a lie. I fucking love you and I think you are amazing. So get your sexy ass in that bed and I'll join you in a minute."

Remington laughs and slowly walks up the stairs, while Andy goes back down to put their order of breakfast in. 

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