Jumps and Defeat

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The band waited until mid evening to start shooting, so it would be dark and they can show a pyromancer side of them. Fire was set up everywhere and exploding at certain times, making the area hot as hell. They first shot all the men playing together, Sebastian running around playing his guitar and Emerson laid back on drums. Remington does what the director and producer says and walks towards the camera multiple times, eventually they instruct him to take his jacket off. He nervously takes it off, scared to be told that he's too skinny and ugly. No one says anything to them and they yell for a 15 minute break.

Remington runs to Andy, sweating to all hell. "What do you think so far? Does it look good? Should I change anything?" He pants out, smiling.

"It looks fucking amazing babe!" Andy brings a straw in a water bottle to his lips so he doesn't mess up his makeup. 

Remington leans into Andy, drinking the water graciously. "What would I do without you?" 

"Be dehydrated as fuck," Andy chuckles. "I don't know, I'd change two things maybe."

Remington looks up at him in curiosity, hoping it's nothing terrible. "What's up? Is it that bad?"

"One, You and Emerson are in sorts of black and red and Sebastian is in a white and blue striped suit."

Remington giggles, looking at his brother with his girlfriend. "Yeah he don't match us does he?"

"And two, you look way too fucking sexy out there, and I'm not sure I want your fans to see how low those leather pants are on you or your perfect sweaty skin. I want to be the only one."

Remington bites his lip, looking up at Andy. "We have ten more minutes...we can go behind the trailer."

Andy wraps his arms around his husband's waist. "I would almost say yes but I know you can't stay quiet. And if you have another heart episode, your death certificate will say death caused by amazing intercourse resulting in cardiac arrest by husband. I'll have to explain to everyone why your pants were off and you died. I don't think your brothers will be too pleased..."

"Just one time baby. Babyyyyyy " Remington whimpers, sticking his bottom lip out. 

"In two weeks sweetheart. When the doctor clears you." Andy kisses him gently, making Remington groan.

"But seriously babe, how are you feeling? This is the most exercise you've done in awhile." Andy rubs Remington's neck, helping him relax. 

"I'm fucking exhausted. As long as I can take breaks I'll be fine though. Please keep that water full." 

"Alright everyone 3 minutes!"

A makeup artist comes over to Remington and starts dabbing at his face, cleaning up his makeup a little and fixing his eyeliner. He casually walks back to the set, talking to the director. Andy smiles and watches from afar, so proud of the accomplishments his husband is making. He even gained 5 pounds since being out of the hospital! 

The cameras start to roll, following Remington climbing up a set of cars. He sings with the microphone then jumps off, landing in front of Sebastian and Emerson. They make him reshoot the scene again, again, and again, making Andy a little nervous. Andy walks on set, talking to an assistant and producer.

"Be careful with him. He's only okay to do short term exercises because of his heart. Don't strain him too much."

The producer looks at Andy, telling them to reshoot. "Look, if he wants to make it big, he's going to suck it up keep going until I say it's perfect."

Andy frowns, crossing his arms. "The fuck you will. His health is more important than anything else. The doctor only cleared him for short term walks, not climbing and jumping repeatedly."

The producer rolls his eyes. "Again!"

Andy watches, his husband do it ten more times. The eleventh time Remington was noticeably weaker climbing, he wasn't too much into the singing portion. He jumped down but couldn't stay on his feet and fell down.

Andy and a couple staff run over, making sure he's okay.

Remington looks up at Andy as the staff pull him to stand up. His eyes and face say it all. He looks so exhausted and weak. He is panting hard, trying to catch his breath.

"Alright he's done," Andy demands, pulling Remington's arm around his shoulder and helping him walk. He helps him sit down and gives him the bottle of water but he's too shaky to hold it. Andy holds it up, positioning the straw to his lips. 

"No more for today," he groans out. "My chest hurts so bad."

Andy looks up at him alarmed. "Do you think you are having another heart attack?"

Remington shakes his head, slumping into the chair. "No, but it sucks that all my life I've been in shape and strong but now I'm at my breaking point. The old me could have kept doing this all night. My heart is racing so fucking bad and it's killing me."

"You were only supposed to be walking you know," Andy smiles, rubbing his lover's sweaty cheek.

"Take me back to the house. I'm done Ands." 

Andy runs back to the producer who looks like is angry at Andy, pushing his finger into his much taller chest and it looks like he's yelling. Andy shoves the fat man off of him, making him fall on his ass. Sebastian is chuckling near them, mouthing something to Andy. He walks back, helping Remington get up on his feet.

"You are cleared to go home for tonight love. They are going to shoot some of Emerson and Sebastian and the girls tonight." 

Remington nods, following Andy hand in hand.

Andy starts the shower, warming it up to soothe his husband's muscles. Andy undresses both of them and helps him in, helping him to the waterfall coming in all directions. Andy gently helps wash Remington's hair, massaging his scalp so good while Remington leans forward against the wall, his legs shakily supporting him. Andy soaps his body then helps him rinse everything, then adding conditioner to his hair. He takes body wash and puts it on a loofah, gently scrubbing his back, his neck, his chest, making Remington moan out. Once he is done he helps rinse him off again, wrapping him up in warm towels and helping him to the bedroom. 

Andy heats them both a meal he had made before they got there, knowing they would barely have time to cook. Remington takes a bite of broccoli, smiling at Andy.

"Thank you." He whispers, trying to stay awake to eat. His whole body is still naked but he doesn't care. Andy has seen him in worse moments. 

Andy is just in his boxers, holding Remington in his arms and rubbing his scalp. Once Remington finishes the grilled chicken he snuggles into Andy's neck and chest, falling asleep hard. Andy sets aside the plate for now and rubs his lover's back, turning off the lights. 

"You are so fucking beautiful," he says in his ear, hearing him snore softly. "You are my everything baby. God how am I so lucky to have you?"

Andy covers them both up, falling asleep with his soul mate.

Andy wakes up startled, hearing his phone notifications go off. He rubs his eyes and kisses Remington's naked shoulder, trying to gain a touch of reality. Andy grabs his phone, opening the messages.

Unknown- I saw you

Unknown- I saw both of you

Unknown- He's still so pretty. Are you sure we can't share?

Unknown- We could all take turns...he likes it rough

Andy rubs his eyes again, hoping to all hell he is imagining all of this. Nope. The messages are still there. Andy messages security, then holds his husband tight. Not this...not now.


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