Premiere and Tequila

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The whole crew, friends and family are at Emerson's. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" They upload the video and watch the views get higher, and higher, and higher, and higher. They all cheer and laugh, drinking an assortment of different liquors and having the time of their life.

"Okay, what do you think baby?" Remington asks while on the phone with his husband.

"It's so fucking beautiful sweetheart. You all did so good. You look even better in a dress you know."

Remington chuckles, watching his brothers tackle each other in a drunken fun. "I'll wear it for you when you come home. Tomorrow still right?"

Andy groans, "Either tomorrow night or the next day. They are fixing something on the bus...I don't know how long it's going to take." 

"Ugh fly home then baby! I can't stand you being so close but so far."

"It's my bus baby I can't abandon everyone," he chuckles. "Hold your pretty little horses and I'll be there soon. I miss you."

"God I miss you too." Emerson hands Remington a screwdriver and smirks, walking away. 

Andy yawns, feeling the day take over him. "I'm going to to to bed sweetheart. You should really do the same. Have you taken your test tonight?"

Fuck...."No baby I haven't. We've been so busy with the video and photoshoots that I've been forgetting."

"Do you have it on you now?"

"No I'm at Emerson's."

Andy sighs, rubbing his eyes. "Have you at least eaten?"

Remington's stomach drops. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. "No but I'll grab some pizza now." He says quietly.

"Remington Leith Biersack I'm going to beat your ass when I get home so help me."

Remington smiles, whispering quietly so no one can hear them. "Are you going to use your belt Daddy? How many?"

"My naughty boy it's going to be 35 for not listening. And yes with my belt. Think you can handle that?"

"God yes Daddy. I'm ready now"

"Wait kitten. That's your punishment for now. You have to wait for me. Don't you dare touch yourself until I get there."

Remington groans, knowing how Andy loves that he is winning.

"I'm going to bed babe. Love you."

"Love you too."

Remington grabs a slice of cheese pizza and eats it quickly, then downs his screwdriver. He tackles Emerson and falls on the ground, laughing hard.

"You fucking flew right off of me," Emerson barely breathes out, laughing harder.

"Get me another drink and I'll forgive that insult."

2 hours later, the three brothers, their girlfriend's, and a couple of close friends sit in the backyard, plastered out of their minds. Remington is on his fifth drink while his brothers have consumed bottles already.

Sebastian checks the comments on their posts and everything has been positive. "It's brilliant. Everyone loves it."

Emerson takes a drag out of his cigarette, looking up at the stars. "Look at how insignificant we are compared to those stars. We are specks of dust. They could lose their orbit and crash down on us like nothing."

Remington looks up at him, "Are you high Emmy?"

"Yep "

They all chuckle and stare at the stars, the chilly air not even effecting them due to how warmly intoxicated they are. 

Remington and Sebastian take a shot of tequila, cringing at the taste. 

"Tomorrow's the big day Remi!" Sebastian slurs out, laying on Larisa's lap.

Remington groans, pouring himself another shot and swallowing it. "Not tomorrow but the next day. His bus broke down."

"Oh shit," Shy chuckles.

"Okay so two more days. What's the first thing you are going to do?"

Remington bites his bottom lip, get 35 spankings and suck his dick until he forgives me.

"Oh I don't know, I want to take him to the Blu Jam Cafe and try it out. Their shit looks good."

"That's it?" Sebastian laughs loudly.

Remington blushes and looks down, "That's all I'm going to admit to."

Emerson chokes on his drink and the circle laughs at his pain.

"Come on Remi, remember that time I caught you two on the bus? You two aren't just going to a pancake place." Sebastian knows how how to embarrass and rile his brother up.

"Ugh Sebby drop it. It was one time. We were all fucking drunk." Remington pulls his hoodie over his face, grinning and hiding his pink flushed cheeks.

"Okay but how did you two do it? Seriously. I didn't know you could get on top like that. Does it even feel good or does it hurt really fucking bad?" 

"Oh my god Seb!" Larisa yells out. "You are really exposing your brother like that?!"

"Yes, Sebby, you can ride on top. And you should try it sometime. But not with Andy. He's taken," Remington giggles innocently. "It is so amazing I don't even know how to describe it. It hurts a little especially because of how fucking huge he is but when he hits that spot, it takes me to a whole another dimension of pleasure and euphoria." 

"Wow," Sebastian says, "That's why you are so fucking loud." 

Remington throws a pillow at him and gets up. "And I'm probably going to regret telling all of you this later so be lucky you even heard it." They laugh as he stumbles into the house, going into the bathroom.

He pulls out his phone and takes a picture for Andy.

He pulls out his phone and takes a picture for Andy

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Remington- Ready when you are 😏😏😏😏

He yawns, wanting to touch himself badly. But Andy will know because he won't be so sensitive. Fuck. Ugh god damnit Andy. He rather not go through another punishment and he probably won't let him finish again. What a dick. He stumbles into one of Emerson's bedrooms and collapses on the bed, groaning as the room spins. He closes his eyes and let's himself succumb to the darkness.

Black Waves Part 2Where stories live. Discover now