Suitcases and Lows

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New Years Eve runs by and Andy is ready to leave, to get out of the house, especially get away from his husband. The two barely coexist with each other and they haven't exchanged words since Christmas day. Remington has been forcing himself to do his own glucose tests every day and night and records them in Andy's book. He doesn't even know if Andy checks it anymore but Remington still fills it out and what he ate for the day. He has to try to get out of the funk Ashley put him in. He has to.

Andy brings down his suitcases and puts them next to the door, awaiting the bus any moment now. Remington stands in the kitchen and watches from afar, not wanting to bother the man than he already is by existing. He sips on his mug of milky hot tea and leans against the counter, waiting for his sugar results. He's sick and tired of checking it every day. He doesn't matter this much. He wants to give up and let it take over him. 

The meter beeps and Andy turns around to look at him. They catch eye contact for 5 seconds until Remington breaks away, feeling ashamed to even be in his presence. He grabs the meter and sighs, walking over to the table to record it.

"Well, what is it?" 

Remington looks up and Andy is standing at the island, watching his husband's every move.

"Don't worry about it," he mumbles, throwing the strip away and washing his hands. 

"Seriously Rem? Don't be like this. Especially not before I leave."

Remington grabs his car keys and walks past Andy quickly. He reaches the front door and lets out a sob, alarming his husband. He's tried his hardest to be invisible around the man and it's killing him.

"57. It was 57." He sobs out, opening the door and walking out as fast as he can.

Andy walks over to the notebook and realizes he has barely been eating and his sugar numbers are going back low. He runs out the door to see Remington's car gone and the bus waiting for him. Guilt sits in his stomach like a rock as he picks up his suitcases, dreading to get on the bus. 

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