2800 Miles and Unspoken Words

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Andy checks his phone every other minute, waiting for an update from his husband whether it's a text or on social media. But so far he's been radio silent. It's only been one week and he has five more to go before he goes home. The bus is pulling into New York City and he should be pumped. But instead all he has is dread and worry. 

He accepts defeat, dialing Remington's number. 

A small, broken voice answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, um, you haven't called or anything."

"Y..yeah...well I figured you would want some space."

Andy sighs, feeling the guilt come in waves.

"My number is 54 if that's why you are really calling."

"Rem, why are you letting it get so low? You need to go see your doctor."

It stays silent between the two, Remington doesn't have the energy to fight.

"Rem, can you please go make a doctor's appointment? You need to get on the feeding tube if you can't handle eating by yourself."

"I suppose," he whispers. "Is there anything else you needed to know?"

Andy frowns, carefully choosing his words before he speaks.

"Why don't you fly out to New York and meet us out here? I know you wanted to see one of those cupcake vending machines."

"Maybe...maybe another time Andrew."

"Come on babe, it'll give us some quality time together. You will love it out here! Stay for a couple days and let me get you back on track."

He hears a sniffle from the other line. Oh no...

"Andrew, you wouldn't sleep in the same bed as me, you ignored me for a whole week after we barely talked. And now on tour, you didn't bother to check in until now. Why would I want to come visit you on a tiny ass bus and sleep in the same damn bunk? Or actually, you'd probably choose the couch again over having to be near me. Face it. I'm a fucking slut. I broke you. You are so god damn depressed over my dumb ass actions that you couldn't face me."

"Remington, don't ever fucking call yourself that again okay? And that's not even the reason why... Stop jumping to all these conclusions!"

"I asked you if you still wanted to be with me. You got so pissed at me about it that you couldn't even answer me. You can love me all you want but if I'm not healthy for you then I'm leaving. I'm saving you the heartbreak of any of the decisions. You need this. Goodbye Andrew."

Andy hears the phone hang up and he yells loudly. Luckily for him no one dared to try to intervene. His band mates know that he is having horrible marital issues.

He doesn't want to leave his marriage. If he would actually communicate his fears to his husband than it wouldn't be so bad. But he can't, he's too scared. But is he so scared that he's willing to let his husband walk away? 

He lays back in his bed and scrolls through their selfies together, some short videos of them laughing. When things are good between the two, it's so magical. But when they are bad, it storms and rains heavily. He loves looking at their first pictures together, how shy Remington was to him. Such a sweetheart. My baby boy. 

He pulls out his pad of paper and continues writing lyrics. He wants to do a solo album since these aren't the same feel as Black Veil Brides. 

We fill our lives with empty memories
We've had enough, we've had enough
We risked it all, did it mean anything?
I'm giving up, I'm giving up

It started with hatred
You left me here departed
Distorted, we played it
But am I gonna save it?

Pick up the pieces before you let this go

Faded in, faded out
The feeling's gone, it's like we're enemies
Checking in, checking out
We're strangers now but I don't believe that
Love was made to break
No I don't believe that love was made to break

We rise and fall with our misery
I built the wall, I built the wall
A siren's call that brought you here to me
We lost control, we lost control

So when this comes crashing
And we are losing chances
Won't see it in our eyes
Til it's too late to fix this

Pick up the pieces before we let this go

Faded in, faded out
The feeling's gone, it's like we're enemies
Checking in, checking out
We're strangers now but I don't believe that
Love was made to break
No I don't believe that love was made to break

It seems we live for a fight
But I can't feel it tonight
So now I'm living so numb
But I feel terrified

Cause I am losing my mind
Trying to make it alright
Trying to see this all through
To the other side

He wipes the tears quickly and puts down the pen, sighing in relief getting his feelings out somehow. 

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