Mountains and Fear

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Andy landed in Atlanta an hour and a half later. He meets up with Lonny at the Enterprise desk and Lonny is frustrated.

"They won't give me any information about him. You try."

The lady at the front desk is very irritated but is trying to stay calm. 

"Are you his husband? I can only give you some of his information and that's it."

Andy nods and gives her his ID.

"What's the name?"

"Remington Biersack."

"Date of birth?"

"May 5, 1994."

She enters the information into the system and looks over the rental details.

"He rented a Mazda for two weeks. He paid with a credit card."

Andy pinches the top of his nose and and tries to stay calm. "Can you tell me where the car is located?"

"We have GPS on every car but I cannot give you that information. He did not list you as a contact at all on his profile."

"Ma'am I need to find him, he's my husband. What the hell can I do to get the location?"

"Police warrant," she smiles sarcastically. They step away to walk to the car and Andy scoffs, frustrated like crazy. 

"Why did he have to go out and do this? Why couldn't he just keep his bratty ass at home? Why doesn't he ever listen? He can't be alone right now!"

Lonny winces and keeps his head low, feeling guilty. "I'm really sorry Andy. I should have been on him more."

Andy sighs, putting his arm on Lonny's shoulder. "Don't blame yourself for this at all. I should have stayed home. I'm the one that left him without resolving anything. You even told me to call him. I just didn't listen."

He pulls out his phone and sighs, he can't even text him. He pulls up his Instagram and he hasn't uploaded to his story or anything but he decides to message him on there and Twitter.

Andy- Baby please call me. I don't like this. I need to know where you are.

The drive home is quiet. Andy tells Lonny to go ahead and go home and he will deal with it all. Andy quietly heads upstairs to their room, and lays down on the bed. He takes Remington's pillow and smells it, of course it smells just like him. Andy cuddles it and finds Remington's phone on the bed, unlocking it and pulling up his messages. His brothers have been texting him but he hasn't responded to anything. The only thing he has done is texted Andy. Begging for forgiveness. Pleading with him to talk to him. Anything at all. How he is so sorry and will do anything. He wants to save their marriage. Why does he think our marriage is ruined? Did I say that to him?. Fuck...I think I did. Oh Remi, I'm sorry I'm fucking selfish. 

Andy gets a notification that Remington added to his story.

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