Visits and Planes

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Remington lays on the bed, snuggling into the soft fluffy white blanket. He doesn't know what to do with Andy at this point. He wants to get back together but if Andy is that uncomfortable with it, why should they be miserable? He barely knew that I existed...what if he really was seeing someone on the side? Remington sighs, remembering how he acted when he was talking to Austin. Maybe he isn't good enough. 

His phone starts to ring and he grabs it. Andy... He rolls his eyes and presses ignore. I told him I wanted to be alone what could he possibly want now.

His phone rings again. And again. And again and again. Then he hears his notifications go off.

Andy- please pick up the fucking phone Remington

Andy- I know you are there asshole. Just pick it up

Andy- Seriously? I'll come home right now and cancel the rest of tour. Idgaf

Andy- I'm giving you ten minutes to respond or else I'm coming home

Andy- I mean it

Remington sighs and dials his number.

"About fucking time you called."

"Andy...we were literally on the phone ten minutes ago. What is so important?"

"Why do you want to be alone so bad? Turn on your video now."

Remington turns it on and does an obvious eye roll.

"Happy? Yes it's me here, I'm alive. Now what do you fucking want Andy?"

Andy glides his fingers through his hair.

"Show me your wrists."

Remington's eyes widen at the request.

"No. Why the fuck are you being so nosey? You didn't give a fuck before this so why now? What changed?"

Andy's eyebrows furrow. "Because if you have any marks I'm sending your brothers over to come kidnap you until I'm back. If you don't show me I'm sending them. They already know. So show me your goddamn wrists Remington."

Tears fill his eyes and he sniffles the tears back.

"You don't love me anymore do you?" He whispers, surprising Andy.

"What in the world makes you think that? I'm calling to make sure you are okay. Shouldn't that be proof enough?"

"Not when you are being mean. Andy, I just want to be alone. Please respect that."

Remington hangs up, letting his tears fall.

Andy groans in irritation. Why can't he just do what he's told? Ever? 

He opens his phone to his group chat with Sebastian and Emerson.

Andy- He wouldn't show me. Please go over there. If he has any maybe you should get him admitted for help fuck I don't know. He can't be alone right now.

Emerson- Alright I'm on the way

Sebastian- I'll meet you there Em. Andy I'll message you when I get there.

They both arrive around the same time, nervousness filling their stomachs.

"Should we really admit him if he has any?" Emerson asks, biting his nails.

"I don't know Em. Maybe if they are bad enough. But like that and his eating are huge factors. Let's just go and talk to him and see where his head is at."

They walk inside, the house is still and silent.

"Remi!" Emerson yells, opening his bedroom door and seeing a perfectly made bed.

"In here!" His voice barely yells out. 

Both the brothers walk into one of the guest bedrooms and see their brother cocooned in blankets, watching The Vampire Diaries.

Sebastian frowns, not wanting to fight. "Do you know why we are here?"

"Yep. And I'm clean, see?" Remington pokes his arms out and shows his wrists. 

Emerson sighs in relief. "Why didn't you just show them to Andy? He's worrier to all hell."

Remington sits up, his hair sticking up in every direction. "Because he doesn't love me. He doesn't need to worry about me and I'm not going to prove anything to him anymore."

Emerson sits on the bed and hugs him tight. "Of course he loves you bub. He's been worried sick."

A tear falls down Remington's cheek and he hides his face in Emerson's chest. "Then why did he ignore me when he was here? He didn't bother talking to me until he went on tour."

Sebastian sits on the edge of the bed and pulls out his phone.

Sebastian- Hey he's not hurt. No scars. He's rlly upset tho

Andy- Why didn't he just show me. Tf? What's he sayin

Sebastian- That u don't love him and he's done showing u he's ok

Andy- ugh why is he so dramatic. Of course I love him. 

Emerson rubs his brothers hair softly. "Have you talked to him about this? Does he even know how you're feeling?"

Remington shrugs. "I tried talking to him but he got mad and shut me out. He seriously ignored me until he went on tour. It was uncomfortable being around him. We lived in the same fucking house but he refused to sleep in our room. We barely saw each other."

"What do you want Rem? What do you want to do?" Sebastian asks.

"Either go back in time and not talk to Ashley, or if I know it's just going to end this bad, should have stayed with him. Stay miserable as my punishment."

Emerson frowns, "He isn't good for you bub."

Remington stretches and covers back up in the blankets. "I just miss the old Andy...and I fucked that up."

Sebastian- Do u really love him?

Andy- Seb yes of course I do

Sebastian- Then u need to tell him. No fighting. Really tell him. He's heartbroken n wants u. But he says u ignore him n thinks u 2 are done. 

Andy- Fuck. Just stay with him tonight pls? I'm in Chicago for the next 2 days. Maybe can you convince him to fly out here? I really can't cancel any shows or else I would for him.

Sebastian- lemme see what I can do

"Who are you talking to Sebby?" Remington asks, noticing his brother has been hiding his phone. 

"Oh nothing important. But why don't we go out tonight? Let's fly somewhere and get a hotel. Stay for a couple days. Come on let's get you out of the house."

Remington shrugs and Sebastian helps him up to pack some clothes. Emerson pulls Sebastian to the side.

"Um, where are we going?"

"Chicago. So they can talk in person. I know he's not hurting himself Em but I bet he will. Andy wants him there. Just don't tell him why."

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