Family and Love

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Two days later Remington is released from the hospital. They go back to their house in LA so Remington can settle down. They've been quiet with each other. Andy leaving the hospital hurt Remington even though that wasn't Andy's intentions at all. He just thought that he needed his brothers. He fucked up on that one.

Remington is sitting on the couch watching The Office. The hospital sent him home with a glucose meter and he has to check it at least twice a day. He takes it out and goes to out it on his finger but he flinches, putting it down. Why am I scared of a tiny prick?

Andy comes in the room with sandwiches, chips, and sodas. Remington takes his plate and smiles sweetly at his husband.

"Thank you Ands. You didn't have to do this you know."

Andy smiles and opens Remington's pop for him, putting in a straw.

"Let me take care of you baby. Besides I have to write down and keep track of what you eat every day now."

Remington chuckles and looks down. "Can you help me with the glucose meter first?"

Andy raises his eyebrow. "You just push a button against your finger babe."

"I'm too big of a baby! Pleaaaaase Andy."

He chuckles and takes his husband's finger tip and pricks it, making him jump. He helps get the blood on a strip and inserts it into the meter.

"For someone who is known for self harming crazily, covered in tattoos, but is scared of a little finger prick..."

"Shut upppp," Remington groans, placing the meter on the table. It takes awhile to read his results so he picks his plate back up and nibbles on the sandwich. "How do you always make the best food?" 

"Because I know what you like baby. Now hush and eat before I shove it down your throat. I want it gone before I have to leave."

Remington rolls his eyes and after eating half the sandwich and all the chips he puts his plate down on the table.

He looks at the meter. "69." 

"Nice," Andy says out of habit, making Remington blush. He ponders for a second and looks up. "69 isn't great Remi. You should be at least 70 but that's only 1 away. You are getting there baby."

Remington smiles and watches the television.

"Eat the rest of your sandwich baby."

He groans and picks the plate back up. "I don't want to Daddy."

"I'll bring Daddy out if you start acting like a brat. No sweets or pleasure until after you finish your meal."

"Sorry Daddy," he mumbles, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Good boy."

They hear a knock on the door and Sebastian and Larisa come in. 

"Hello beautiful!" She says cheerfully, hugging Andy and then hugging Remington. He hurries and eats the rest of the sandwich.

Sebastian sits next to him and hugs him tight. 

"How are you feeling dork?"

"Better. Andy keeps making me eat and I'm going to get fat," Remington says with his mouth full. 

"Hush it's good for you." 

Remington shyly looks up at Andy and smiles.

"The label is having us do an acoustic show on Friday live on Instagram. Do you think you will be ready for it?"

Remington bites his bottom lip and nods.

"I mean all I'll be doing is sitting in a chair singing." He chuckles. "I don't want to look sick though."

"We got you covered Rem. Just don't wear anything too tight and wear a little bit of makeup. The fans won't notice a thing."

Remington nods at his brother.

"Don't you have tour coming up Andy?"

Remington flashes his eyes to his husband quickly. "What?"

Andy sighs. "I wasn't going to say anything yet because you literally just got out of the hospital. But yeah I have tour in about a month. It's only six weeks long though so nothing to worry about."

Remington frowns and plays with his fingers. 

"Alright baby I have to go shoot a video, I'll be back tomorrow though. Have fun with your family!" 

They hug each other tightly and then Andy gives Sebastian a notebook. "Okay so I have kept track of an estimation of calories and exactly what he's ate in this book. I write down if any of it makes him sick. And then I also write down his glucose number. Also write down if he gets sick at all or if he can't finish his food okay?"

"I got it I got it.  Go have fun Andy. Go make that money honey." 

Andy chuckles and heads out the door.

Black Waves Part 2Where stories live. Discover now