Silence and Wonder

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Andy drives as quick as possible to Gatlinburg, hoping to all hell Remington doesn't pull any stupid stunts before he gets there. Why didn't I just fucking talk to him? He didn't hide it from me. He came right out and told me. I shouldn't have watched the video. For Remington's sake I shouldn't have. God what the fuck did I do when I blacked out? Hopefully he will forgive me. I need to stop this shit. I can't be selfish with him.

I'm going to spank the living hell out of him. Yeah he will like that. Then after I tease him awhile I'll send him to heaven. Remind him of us and what we can do together. Sounds like a plan. He will come crawling back. He loves when I play dominant with him and if I do that and give him my tongue for awhile, yeah, he's going to melt.

Get ready Remi, Daddy's coming.


Remington was finally released to come home. Everyone is on high alert because he won't talk. The doctor is trusting him enough to eat at home but if he doesn't they will have to give him a feeding tube. Sebastian and Emerson have him on the flight to come home so Andy is getting the house ready. He filled the fridge with all of his favorite comfort foods, he has soft pajamas and blankets laying out for him on their bed. He lit candles all over the room that will hopefully calm him. He has Harry Potter on the screen ready to be played and once the brothers said they landed, he runs a bath for him and puts in some cherry blossom bath bombs. Everything has to be serene. 

Andy opens the front door for them and Sebastian lays down Remington's bags on on the couch, looking up at Andy.

"You have to be really careful with him right now. Every sound scares him and he goes into a panic attack. He doesn't want anyone touching him and he still hasn't eaten anything." Sebastian looks worried and looks at his brother.

"Has he said anything yet?" Andy asks, giving his husband a gentle smile. Remington hugs himself and looks down, fading away. 

"Nothing, he is completely quiet."

Andy nods and steps closer to Remington, hoping not to scare him. "Hey Remi love, how was the flight here?"

Remington looks up at him quickly and trembles, eyes wide. 

"Come on sweetheart, I have a bath ready for you upstairs. Andy walks behind him and opens the bathroom door, revealing the quiet and darkened room. He has lights on the wall and everything is serene, calming. 

"I'm going to wait for you in our bed, okay? I know you want some privacy. But relax and take a bath as long as you want baby. Just please leave the door cracked open in case you need anything and I can hear you, okay? Harry Potter marathon is waiting for you when you come out."

Remington goes in the bathroom and barely leaves the door open, and Andy can hear him step into the bath. My poor fucking baby. 

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