Juice and Help

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Palaye has done five shows in five days. The band is trying to embrace their new normal for the next 11 weeks and for the most part they are coping. Emerson has tried to be as supportive as possible while Sebastian tries to be the protector in a sense. He is the one telling interviewers not to ask questions about it and isn't afraid to pull them all off if they continue. Remington couldn't be more grateful for his brothers' support and that Andy has been trying to keep him calm and nourished.

There have been a few instances of fans asking if Andy will ever forgive him and if they are getting a divorce. The cheating scandal of the century, the girls said. Remington couldn't even fake a smile anymore. It is so exhausting. 

Remington is performing on stage when it all hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in the middle of Die for Something Beautiful when the nausea, depression, dizziness and anxiety caught up with him. There were a small group yelling 'slut' and 'cheater' and asking how much does he charge. His heart rate is going fast and he feels himself stumble, alerting Andy who is watching backstage. Remington ends up sitting on the end of the stage and letting his legs dangle, resting his face in his hands. It has to be his sugar.

Andy runs out quickly with a chocolate bar, apple juice, and his glucose meter. Once he comes out the crowd starts cheering loudly, chanting his name. The fans don't matter when his husband's health is on the line. Andy sits next to Remington and pricks his finger for him, making him blush when he jumps. Andy puts the strip in the meter and opens the chocolate bar for him, wrapping him in his arms. Remington weakly smiles at Andy and eats slowly, hoping it won't disrupt his stomach. Andy opens the apple juice and helps him take a sip, then wrapping his arms around his husband while kissing his forehead. They rock that way until the meter goes off and shows his sugar was at 62. 

Sebastian and Emerson continue to play along side Andrew, trying to distract the crowd and amp them up. It wasn't until Sebastian runs over to Andy and suggests he sings until Remington can get back up and he agrees. Andy tells them to play Dying in the Hot Tub while he sits still with his arm wrapped around his husband, singing in his lower toned voice. Remington rests his head on Andy's shoulder, closing his eyes and smiling. Once he drank all the juice and ate half of the chocolate bar Remington felt better to stand back up without getting dizzy. He and Andy embrace each other, kissing softly. The crowd cheers and roars when they display their love. Andy waves to the crowd and goes backstage, allowing them to finish their show. Remington is still nauseous with anxiety but he can handle that. Thank god for his husband.

They finish their show 40 minutes later, waving at everyone and running off the stage. Andy holds his arms out for Remington and he runs into them, embracing for a quick second then running towards the bathroom. Andy hurriedly follows him and Remington vomits in the toilet, whimpering and groaning in pain. 

"This must be some stomach flu huh baby?" 

The cowering man cries, "Please hold me."

Andy nods and sits down next to the man, rubbing his shoulders gently and wrapping his arms around him again. "No meet and greet tonight okay? I don't want you getting any worse. Let me check your sugar again babes." 

Remington weakly complies and let's him, giving up entirely. "I want to go home."

Andy holds the boy tight, "Just 11 more weeks darling. I'll be here with you."

"But you aren't staying for the whole thing," Remington mumbles.

Andy sighs, running his fingers through Remington's hair. "I will if it's what is best for you babe. I am here for you first as your husband, always."

Remington smiles weakly. "Can you take me to the bus and we can sleep?"

Andy nods, picking the smaller man up.

Once they get to the bus his glucose meter beeps and it says 69. Andy frowns, laying Remington down on their bunk. "I'm going to call your Dr and see what they say, okay? Take a nap or something."

Remington weakly nods, closing his eyes and listening to Andy's delicious voice over the phone until he falls asleep.

An hour later Andy carefully wakes Remington up, kissing his cheek. "Your doctor wants you checked out babe. We need to go now so you have enough time to sleep and perform tomorrow."

"But I don't wanna..." Remington whines, hiding back under the blankets. Andy slowly unwraps him, pulling him to his chest. "Come on baby let's go."

Sebastian drives them to a local urgent care and just Andy and Remington go in and they tell the rest to stay on the bus and sleep while they wait. Remington's eyes feel heavy but he stays awake until they call him into a room. Andy stays glued to his side, holding him close. 

Once they get called into a room Remington passes out on the bed from the exhaustion. Andy greets the doctor and tells him his history and what's going on. They are able to do blood panels on him and they give him extra blankets to stay comfortable. 

Once they finished his blood panels they decide to give him glucose supplements for now and let his primary decide on his next steps. They also prescribed him zofran to help with the nausea. Andy wakes Remington up to go back to the bus and they are on their way to the next venue quickly. 

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