Detectives and Phones

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"Do your fucking jobs! Find him now!" Andy yells, pacing in the dining room. He has the FBI over along with the detectives he hired to track the man.

"Andy, you need to calm down," Lonny says, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Remington is going to be okay. He's always okay."

Andy roughly shoves Lonny's hand off, his face red with anger. "He's fucking high risk! He has to go to the doctor every week! What if his sugar gets too low? He can't even monitor it! What's William going to do, starve him in a fucking basement and feed him spoonfuls of sugar randomly? The baby is small! We have to get fucking ultrasounds every week!"

"He's smart Andy. He will figure something out. But he needs a healthy husband to come back to. Your head injury is going to get worse if you raise your blood pressure!"

Andy stops, sobbing into Lonny's shoulder. "We were so fucking happy Lons. We talked everything out, we were okay. His sugar was still sometimes wonky but he came to me every time if he was concerned. The morning it all happened, we both felt the baby kick for the first time. It was so beautiful. God he was so beautiful."

Lonny nods, wrapping his arms around Andy's back. "We will find him. Him and the baby will be okay. They are good at their jobs Andy."

Andy nods, feeling so defeated, so exhausted. He needs his husband to be okay. Last was so awful. He watched Remington shake and seizure from the injuries. He had so much blood pouring out of his body. And when he recovered physically, it took even longer mentally. Andy wasn't even allowed to touch him. Remington was mute for three months, then finally opened up but wouldn't leave the house. He has recovered so much, but how will it be now?

It's been a week. A week since Remington last saw Andy. With how hard William hit the man, is he even still alive? Did he die from a brain injury?

Remington excuses himself from William's arms, walking into their bathroom. He sits beside the toilet, counting. How long will he wait until he barges in here?

He counts to 90 when the door flings open, revealing a curious looking William. "What are you doing baby? Looking so cute, sitting on the floor."

Remington smiles weakly, rubbing his swollen tummy. "I guess the baby didn't like the chicken Alfredo. I'm not feeling too good."

"Oh my poor baby," William coos, sitting in front of the boy. "What will I ever do with you? Tell that baby to let my love eat."

Remington chuckles, laying his head down on the seat. "Just give me five minutes babe. I want to make sure I don't get anymore sick. Can we watch a movie when I come out? Pretty please?"

William smiles. "And what would my love prefer to watch?"

"Anything. Anything with you, I don't care."

William leans over, kissing the boy on the mouth. "Hurry up sweetie, I'll get the bed ready."

He watches the man stand up and walk out of the room, the door shutting behind him gently. Remington closes his eyes, starting over from zero. He's been doing this every day this week, counting and waiting for William to barge in. His phone is still hidden underneath the sink, waiting to be used. Remington is doing all that he can to not get caught and hopefully Andy will understand why it's taking so long. He counts to 120, then slowly stands up, groaning at the ache in his tummy. He flushes the toilet, brushes his teeth, and walks back into their bedroom, smiling gently at the man waiting for him on the bed. Remington will do whatever it takes to get back home safe. He has to.

The next morning, Remington wakes up to kisses on his tummy. Mmmm, Andy Andy Andy...

Realization happens and he opens his eyes, thanking the heavens he kept his mouth shut.

"Good morning darling. Did you sleep okay?"

Remington nods, putting a protective hand over his tummy. "Baby kept waking me up. They were kicking like fucking crazy."

William chuckles, nuzzling the swollen bump. "Already going to be a hassle huh?"

Remington smiles, nodding gently. "Oooo so many fucking kicks to my bladder. BRB."

He waddles to the bathroom, relieving himself. He counts to 90, smiling that he hasn't been barged in on. He flushes and washes his hands slowly, looking up at the mirror. His eyes look so tired and purple.

He opens the door, freezing when he sees William naked, his hard on against his stomach. "Can't use your ass but your mouth isn't pregnant."

Remington gulps nervously, shifting on his feet. "I don't know if I can, Will. The baby has me awfully gaggy."

"Oh come on, you'll be okay! Be a good little partner and make me happy. I'll reward you if you do." He winks, slowly stroking himself.

Remington forces a smile, walking slowly to the bed. You can do got this...pretend he is Andy... It's okay Remington, do what you gotta do

Remington sits on his knees at the end of the bed, in-between William's legs. He bites his bottom lip and looks up at the man, giving him a seductive glance. He wraps his hand around the man's erection, rubbing up and down, then plopping the bulbous head into his mouth.

"Deeper baby. I wanna feel your throat."

Remington shakes his head, slapping the man's hand away from his head.

William chuckles, watching the man work him to orgasm.

It's Andy. You know how Andy likes it. Make him proud. You got this. Don't gag.

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