Fights and Abuse

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Remington wakes up the next morning naked in Andy's arms, feeling his ass ache. Andy's eyes are closed and he is breathing softly, god his face is so beautiful. Remington goes to sit up and Andy drags him back down, smirking with his eyes still closed. 

"You aren't going anywhere kitten," he mumbles, smelling his hair. 

"Babe my ass hurts so bad let me up," Remington whimpers, thrashing in his husband's arms. 

Andy chuckles and grabs one of his red cheeks, massaging it roughly. 

"Such a cute little ass you have."

"Stop being such a fucking tease," Remington growls, getting up off the bed.

"What are you that mad I didn't let you come last night baby?"

"I'm mad about everything Andy."

Remington stands up and gets dressed quickly, while Andy watches him from the bed. He puts on his yellow Tripp pants and a white v neck shirt.

"I'll gouge your fucking eyes out if you keep looking at me," Remington growls, leaving the room and slamming the door.

Andy puts on a pair of skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. He walks out of the room to face his husband, who is in the kitchen making a cup of tea.

"Get the fuck away from me Andy."

"Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," he smirks, making Remington more furious. "Or is it because someone didn't get to release last night?"

"God I can't fucking stand you!" Remington yells, angrily slamming a cabinet to get a tea bag once the kettle is hot. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are slicing yourself to that degree? Do you want me to see you hurt? What the fuck is the matter with you?" Andy grabs Remington's wrists and squeezes them tight, tracing over the new and painful slices.

Remington whimpers and shoves Andy off of him. "You fucking left me! That's what's a matter with me! You fucking left. Refused to talk to me. Over something I already told you about! Do you want me to say I'm sorry? Well I'm fucking sorry Andy for trying to survive in that hell hole. I'm fucking sorry for making it out alive."

Andy grabs his lover's arms and pulls him close roughly but Remington gets out of his grasp and smacks him in the face. Remington pours the hot water into a mug and dips his tea bag into it. "Don't fucking touch me ever again Andy." He sips the tea and stands on the other side of the kitchen, looking down at his feet.

Andy stands at the other side with his arms crossed, watching his raven haired husband sip on his tea. "Where do you think you'll be at the end of this Remi? Tell me gorgeous, what's your fucking plan?"

"Pills. River." He spats harshly, taking another sip of his mug.

Andy frowns and furrows his eyebrows. "And you think I'm going to allow it? You think I'm just going to let you kill yourself?"

"Remember how when you forgot I existed when you left? Or when you found an ex boyfriend? Go back to that Andy," he says coldly and sets down his mug. 

Andy shakes his head and heat is igniting fast into him. "Shut the fuck up Remi."

"Get your fucking ass out of my rental and don't bother me again. You left? I fucking left too. I'm done. I'm done with the god damn mind games. I want someone who actually loves me and this shit is not it."

"Someone who actually loves you huh? The only fucking thing you are capable of is sleeping around and making men happy in bed. You are just a good fuck toy."

Remington's eyes widen and he angrily throws the empty mug at his husband, hitting him in the chest. Andy runs to Remington and punches him in the face while Remington bites Andy's other arm and kicks him in the groin. 

"Fuck you!" Remington yells and walks away into the living room.

Andy recovers quickly and grabs Remington by the back of the hair and yanks him down.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going? Huh? Think you can just walk away from all your god damn problems huh?"

Remington spits at his face and punches Andy in the stomach. Andy shoves him all the way on the ground and chokes him, the anger filling it's boiling point. Remington is gasping for air and fear fills his eyes looking at how tormented Andy's looked. 

Remington finds his one last strength and headbutts him, making Andy yell out and fall over. 

Remington dizzily stands up and walks to the bedroom, pulling open his bag of meds. Andy grabs his bag from the living room and gets the handcuffs out of it, running to the bedroom. Remington drops the bottle when Andy jumps on top of him, wrestling in the bed. 

"Get off get off get off!" Remington yells but Andy ignores every scream, handcuffing him to the bed post. 

Remington kicks his legs out of anger and is yelling and screaming, his face red from it all.

"I hate you Andy!" 

"I fucking hate you too Remi." Andy takes Remington's bottles of pills and walks out, slamming the door.

"You fucking filthy cheating ass whore get fucking back in here!" He yells with all his mite. 

He falls down the side of the bed and kicks at the night stand and wall, screaming in frustration. 

"Andy!" He yells loudly, and Andy walks back in quickly.

"The fuck do you want now?"

Remington slips his ring off and throws it at his husband the best he can from his situation.

"Fuck you and fuck this ring. I'm done! I want a fucking divorce!"

Andy stomps over to him and slaps him in the face, shoving his own wedding ring in his mouth.

"Done fucking deal." He stomps out of the room and slams the door again. 

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