Personal Problems and Letting Go

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A breeze wakes Remington up. He somehow ended up shirtless and their curtain to their bunk is open. He shivers, teeth chattering crazily. Andy wakes up, feeling Remington's cold nose against his bare chest.

"What the fuck?" He groans, looking outside his bunk.

"Why is it so fucking cold in here?"

"Generators out," Jake grumps, smoking a cigarette on the steps of the bus.

"Then close that fucking door dude!" Lonny says above Andy. "It's dead winter in Chicago and we are dying in here!"

"Ugh not like it's going to make a difference ass hats," Jake groans, stepping off the bus and closing the door.

Andy closes the curtain and looks at his tiny lover, shivering against him. His nose and lips are red.

"Shit Rem you are too tiny to handle the cold." Andy reaches over and pulls out two shirts and two hoodies, dressing them both together. "Here, snuggle your face and body into me."

Remington complies and sniffles from the cold while Andy covers them both up in a fuzzy blanket.

"Did you bring your glucose meter?"

Remington shakes his head. "I had to pack quick so I forgot it. Sorry babe."

"Shh, just cuddle sweetie. I'm sure you are fine."

Remington smiles, closing his eyes and cuddling closer. "Love me forever." He slowly falls asleep in Andy's arms.

"Baby, baby," Andy gently shakes Remington, earning a whimper back.

"Come on sweetie let's go get some lunch. I have a place I want to take you."

Remington groans, sleepily stands up and rubs his eyes. 

"Okay let's go." He yawns loudly. Andy chuckles and stands up with him, wrapping his arms around his lower back. 

"You feeling okay sweetheart?"

Remington rests his head on Andy's chest and closes his eyes.

"I'm really tired baby."

Andy frowns and starts rummaging through the cabinets. He grabs a bag of Cheetoes and hands it to Remington. Remington raises his eyebrow at Andy, confused.

"I don't like Cheetoes..."

"Eat em doll. You didn't have dinner or breakfast. We need to stop by a pharmacy and get you another meter."

Remington nods slowly. "I think I should go back home babe."

Andy frowns, rubbing his back gently. "Please don't go babe. I need you here."

Remington takes a handful of Cheetoes and puts them in his mouth, groaning. "These are fucking nasty Andy."

Andy chuckles. "Just until you feel a little better. You usually aren't this tired and wobbly."

Remington yawns again. "I do feel dizzy. But Ands, maybe I need to go see my own doctor. I want to be here with you but it's way too cold and this sugar shit...ugh I'm just done feeling this way."

Andy nods. "Why don't your brothers take you to a local urgent care for now? See what they say and at least stay a couple more days. Then you can fly out back home. Please? I miss having you in my arms baby."

Remington puts his arm on the wall, putting most of his weight against it. 

"Andy..." he says weakly. 

"Breathe slowly, okay? Here let me help you down." Andy helps lay Remington back down in his bunk. "I'm getting an Uber to take us to the hospital."

It takes ten minutes for the car to get to the bus. Remington rests most of his weight against Andy as they walk to it, stumbling against him. 

"When do you need to be there for sound check?" He slurs out, closing his eyes again.

"3. So in about 2 hours. But I'll let them know to cancel tonight. You are scaring me lovely."

Remington shakes his head. "Why don't you text my brothers to meet me there and you can stay with me until they get here? I am not having you cancel any shows. This is why I wanted to go home babe. You are here to work, not be checking my sugar and taking me to hospitals when I feel ill. You only have 3 more weeks."

Andy frowns, rubbing his hair. "I don't like it but okay Rem. But you need to still text me twice a day with your glucose results okay? And on top of that call me anyways."

Remington smiles, snuggling his head on his lover. "I've missed you so much but I can miss you from home."

"Maybe put all of your stuff back in our room? That'll keep you busy."

Remington chuckles, "Yeah we will see. I'm too lazy."

Andy kisses Remington goodbye when Sebastian walks into the room. Andy puts his hand on Sebastian's shoulder, looking into his eyes.

"Please take care of him for me. Text me when you know anything. I'll come back in a heartbeat."

"No you won't! Go do your show!"

Andy rolls his eyes and smiles, walking to the doorway. "I won't be back, we have to go straight to our next spot after the concert. I'll call you though, okay? Pick up this time you little asshole"

"I promise I will. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart." Andy reluctantly walks out of the room, creating an empty feeling in the room. Sebastian smirks and sits next to Remington, rubbing his hand gently.

"Emerson found too much art and is getting drunk off the sights."

Remington laughs, knowing his brother all too well. 

"At least he is enjoying himself. I only told Andy to call you so he would go to his show.  You can go around town too. I'm sure I'll be fine here."

"I'll go sight seeing once you are discharged. There is a reason you are in here in the first place. Not like it's all fun and games. Has anyone said anything yet?"

Remington shakes his head. "They took my blood and stuff. My blood pressure is low but not horribly low they said. My heart has been beating out of my chest though."

Sebastian nods, getting comfortable in the chair. "Might as well relax while you can Rems."

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