Pills and Planes

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Two Ativan pills later and a very obvious wonky Remington later, they made it on the plane. Andy handled all of their bags and helped his husband on the plane, who couldn't even walk a straight line if he tried. Andy helps him into his seat and he sits next to him, holding his hand. Andy buckles him in and helps him into a pair of headphones, anything to relax him. 

"Go to sleep baby. I'll be here okay?"

Remington nods and closes his eyes, smiling like a dork. 

"My Andy Andy Andy, so sweet and tall, chai and cappuccinos, he knows it aaaaaaaall," he starts quietly singing. 

Andy raises an eyebrow at him and starts busting up laughing, rubbing his hand and knee, making sure he is comfortable.

"My sweetheart my chickadee, my sweet honey bee, crazy ass mother fucker..." he slurs, beginning to fall asleep. "Who likes to fuck meeeeee."

Andy mouths 'sorry' to the older people in front of them and hears his husband doze off, writing the song down in his phone so he doesn't forget to tell him later. Remington ends up laying his head on Andy's shoulder and snores softly and Andy loves every second of it. The plane starts to take off and Andy kisses Remington's head, falling asleep with him.

Once the four hour flight is about to be done, Andy wakes up and smiles at his still sleeping husband. Once they land and everyone is standing up to leave Andy gently wakes his husband up, who looks like his eyes are in a panic. 

"It's okay Rem, breathe, look at me. Can I hold your hands?"

His bottom lip is trembling but he nods fast, grabbing onto Andy's hands.

"We are going to step off the plane and get our bags, okay baby? Then we will get in our Uber to take us to the resort."

"Uber...?" Remington whimpers, squeezing Andy's hands.

"Nothing to be scared about baby. Would you rather us rent a car?"

Remington nods and Andy hugs him loosely, knowing he isn't used to this yet.

"Breathe baby and follow me." 

Once they are in the car and Remington let's out his tears, letting Andy still hold his hands again. Andy starts the car and drives carefully while Remington holds onto his arm for dear life. Once they enter their cabin, Andy turns on the fireplace and Remington snuggles up on the couch with a huge blanket, stressed out from today's events.

"Can I rub your feet sweet heart?"

Remington nods and puts his feet on his husband, slowly becoming more comfortable with having him touch him like this.

"You've been doing so good baby. How do you feel being out of the house?" He rubs his husband's feet, helping him relax.

"I'm scared to be away from home but I like being with you," Remington whispers. 

Andy smiles and kisses his feet, making him shudder.

"Wanna get into the jacuzzi and relax? We can have them send over food then we can cuddle and watch movies all day. What do you say?"

Remington's face pales and he looks down. "You can. I didn't bring any swimming trunks."

Andy grabs Remington's hands and gently pulls him on his lap, making him even more nervous.

"I didn't bring any either. You don't need to be embarrassed of your body baby. You are beautiful."

"No...I'm not...not after what they did..."

Andy rubs his back softly and Remington ends up relaxing into his embrace.

"Can I kiss you?"

Remington nods and leans into him, letting Andy kiss him softly. 

"Don't be ashamed of your body baby. I love it. It's the same body I have loved for almost three years now."

"Yeah but you haven't seen me since....since they hurt me."

Andy sighs and hugs the man, feeling him stiffin up.

"Why don't we go into the jacuzzi and relax? Don't worry about anything else. Just breathe baby . You know I'm here for you."

Remington nervously nods and follows his husband to the back patio where it is icy cold and snowing. Andy takes the cover off the jacuzzi and makes sure it is warm and bubbly, then quickly strips naked and goes inside. Remington watches him and bites his thumb, shaking from the cold 

"It's warm in here baby. Come on in sweetie."

"Don't look?" He whispers, feeling ashamed. 

Andy closes his eyes and Remington slowly strips, revealing his pink healing scars and injuries. He slowly gets in, relaxing into Andy. 

"Feel better?"

He nods, holding onto his lover tightly.

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