Glow and Frail

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Mint and black cherry is Andy's favorite scent. Maybe because that's how his husband smells, with his black cherry body wash and lotion from Bath and Body Works. 

His skin is so soft and smooth. Andy traces his tattoos gently and continues smelling his neck, feeling at peace. His soft barely curly black hair is messed up, his mouth slightly open, softly snoring. His pillowy soft lips, his long beautiful eyelashes. His cute little button nose. 

He gently puts his hand back around his husband and can feel most of his ribs. He is so tiny now. There's no way he can keep going like this. His little breaths are small and shallow. Andy sits up and watches him closely. His breathing gets slower...and slower....

Andy rubs Remington's arm gently. "Baby, wake up, baby..." 

Remington's eyes open and he stretches, wrapping himself back in Andy's arms. 

"Hey lovie," Remington mumbles, closing his eyes again.

"Hey, no no no, stay up sweetie you are acting funky." Andy presses his fingers onto Remington's neck, feeling his pulse. 

"Baby you heart beat feels it usually this slow?" 

Remington shrugs, wanting Andy's warmth back.

Andy takes off his smartwatch and fastens it to Remington's wrist, giving it time to adjust. He checks it after a few minutes later and the heart rate says 38.

"Hey...are you still awake?"

Remington whimpers and barely opens his eyes back open. 

"I'm here baby. But I really want to sleep."

Andy takes his phone and dials Remington's doctor's number, sighing in relief when a nurse picks up the phone. He rubs his husband's dark hair while he talks, describing his husband's symptoms. Remington is confused because he feels fine but he's just tired. 

"Okay so we are taking you to the hospital and they are going to check your blood and stuff, okay love?" 

Remington nods. "This is a waste of time I hope you know. I just want to be in your arms...."

"I'll be there the whole time sweetie. I just want to make sure you are fine."

Andy and Remington slowly walk into the hospital and they admit him quickly, getting him into a room. They take his blood pressure and then retake it two different times.

"What is it?" Andy asks softly.

"70/40. It's rather low but his pulse is bouncing in the 30-40 range. Just hang on tight okay?"

Remington nods weakly and smiles at Andy, who looks worried beyond belief.

"Hey... hey..." Remington whispers, rubbing Andy's hand with his thumb. He gently squeezes his hand and smiles.

"I'm not going anywhere. It's okay baby. I just got you back. I refuse to go anywhere without you."

Andy smiles, relaxing at his husband's words. A small tear escapes his eye and he wipes it quickly.

"Remi, I finally wake up to the love of my life and actually feel happy and whole, then you start breathing funky in your sleep and your heart rate was low. I'm scared as fuck. You were so close to passing out yesterday and you are so tiny..."

Andy rubs Remington's hand and notices the scar on his fingers.

"Did you make yourself throw up Rem?"

Remington sighs, feeling too tired to explain. "Ash told me I was fat and to throw up after meals to get skinny. He wanted me to weigh between 140-150 so I can get into modeling."

Andy frowns, wanting to kill the man. "How do you feel babe? Do you think you are fat?"

Remington shrugs, "Sometimes." He yawns and pulls Andy closer, cuddling into his arm.

"Please let me nap."

Andy runs his fingers through his hair and nods. "I'll be watching you baby."

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