Blames and Etiquette

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Remington wakes up and sighs, snuggling deeper into his husband's chest. Andy has his arms wrapped around him protectively and is still heavily asleep. His nerves are dancing in his stomach and he wants to throw up again. He makes himself breathe through it, knowing how Andy will wake up in fear that he's dying again. 

Today is a little different. Palaye will be having a video interview with James Fields before their concert. And the idea of it makes Remington sick. He already agreed to it so there is no backing out now and it would look even more horrible on him if he were to. The publicity of backing out would ruin him. Everyone would know he's a slut. A begging whore. He cheated on Andy. 

Remington tries to gracefully remove Andy's arms around him, struggling with the dead weight. Once he slips past him he runs to the bathroom, emptying it of it's water contents. He stays on the floor whimpering quietly, trying to calm himself down. He wants to go home.

Andy wakes up two hours later, reaching all over the bed and realizing he's alone. He looks at his phone and it says it's 7:08. He stands up and stretches, noticing Sebastian and Emerson are still in their bunks. He walks to the bathroom and opens it up, to reveal his husband shivering and covered in vomit.

"Oh baby..." Andy coos, turning on the shower and helping his husband undress. He helps Remington in while he undresses himself, joining his husband in the shower. Remington sobs into his chest, shivering and shaking like crazy.

"I...I ..I'm" he whimpers, feeling like he can't breathe.

"I got you babe. I got you. Match my breathing yeah?"

They step out shortly after and Andy wraps them both in a fluffy towel. He takes Remington to their bunk and helps him get dressed into something warm. Remington whimpers as he shivers, hiding underneath the blanket. 

"I'll be right back baby," he mumbles against his head and steps out of the bunk, making sure to close the curtain. Remington curls up into a ball, wanting his husband back quickly. Andy is like his own personal furnace. He checks his phone and groans when he sees fans talking about him almost passing out on stage. Some are calling it karma and wish Andy would realize he should leave. Reading all the comments feels like he is being stabbed in the heart.

Andy comes back into the bunk, smiling gently at his husband. "Hot cocoa and cookies sound okay?"

Remington smirks slightly. "For breakfast? You read my mind doll." 

Andy chuckles, handing a mug to his husband. "What are you looking at on your phone?"

Remington frowns a little, feeling uneasy. "Comments from yesterday's show."

Andy sits against the wall, kissing his husband's shoulder. 

"You are begging for attention...Andy should leave you. Andy was better with Juliet. Remington you need to get over yourself and come out with the truth. We don't like cheaters. Remington stop whoring around and stick to one man. Andy deserves better. He should have divorced you the first time. You should hurt yourself. You need to-"

Andy gently grabs his phone out of his hands and sets it down. "No more reading into it babes. No more. You know none of that is true."

Remington nods, sipping on the cup and closing his eyes. "It still hurts."

Andy nods, handing his husband a cookie. "They don't know the truth babe. It'll blow over. We are strong. They will see."

"Should I say something? Like should I do anything?"

Black Waves Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin