Malls and Violence

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Everything happened so quick. The screams, the blood, the noise of the hit, Remington's eyes widening in fear. People are running around screaming. Mother's grabbed their children and ran with all their mite. His swollen ankled lover begging, pleading to take him instead. He covered his body protectively, ready to spare his husband from any pain. To protect his husband. His soft and gentle hands were shoved off the man eventually, the screams becoming quieter. Everything became dark after that...this must be a crazy ass dream. Except it wasn't.

Andy woke up with a groan, peeling his hot sticky face from the floor. Everything is red. Why is everything red? What the fuck is this puddle of sticky red?

"Remi..." Andy manages to say, his eyes fluttering in pain. He slowly looks around him, noticing paramedics running his way. But he could care less about them or about their help. He wants the man with the swollen, beautiful tummy. He is 24 weeks today. His tummy is way more prominent and sticks out a little even in oversized hoodies. That cute little tummy has to be here somewhere...

"Sir, lay down! You have an injury!"

"Remi? Baby?" Andy cringes, touching the back of his head. Ow fucking ow!

"Where's my husband?" Andy asks, looking around frantically. "What's going on? Remi? Remington?"

"Sir calm down, we need to treat you first!"

The paramedics manage to move Andy to a board and neck brace, maneuvering him quickly into an ambulance.

The lights are fogging and creating orbs in his vision. Andy feels a panic attack coming on and starts to pant, he can't move his head.

"Please, my husband. Is he okay?"

"Sir we need to worry about you right now. What is your husband's name?"

"Remington Biersack. Please, find him. He is 24 weeks pregnant. Please, he never leaves my side. Was he hurt too? Do you know what happened?"

The two paramedics look at each other, as if questioning what to say next. The man speaks up, clearing his throat. "I know you were ambushed from behind. They had someone try shooting you from a distance but it barely grazed you. Another guy finished the deed up close. Um, I don't know if it was your husband or someone else but they protected you from everything else they tried but ended up taking him by gunpoint."

"Tall, hoodie and and a black beanie with black hair?"

The woman nods, frowning at the confirmation.

"He's pregnant," Andy sobs, "He shouldn't have protected me. He should have protected himself."

"The police are doing everything they can Mr. Biersack. Let us help you first."

After the CT scans, stitches in his left shoulder blade and in the back of his head, found he had a moderate to severe concussion, he has to stay overnight for observation. Lonny ended up flying down to help once he saw the news. Andy has been watching it but cannot believe it.

5 dead, 12 injured, 1 missing.

He's part of the 12 injured, Remington is part of the 1 missing. That stupid stupid man. How dare he risk his life, and their baby's life??

Andy keeps rewatching the video surveillance from the mall, watching how a group of men strategically take out the security and a random officer. How a man is suddenly behind him with a crow bar.

How Remington covered his lain husband's body with his own, talking to the assailant. William.

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