Decisions and Decisions

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Remington hurries home and cries, his chest feels like stone. He paces the living room, holding Andy's wedding ring in his hand. Nausea is hitting him in every direction possible.

Do I go back to him? What do I say to Ash? He's going to flip out...I don't fucking care.

It's 11 now. He will be here in 4 hours...

He looks over at their wedding photo on the end table, when they both kissed and flipped off the crowd because Sebastian told them to stop making out. He sobs out a laugh, remembering how great their wedding was. He looks at another photo that's on the wall, of him, Andy, and Charlie. God he hasn't seen Charlie in so long. I knew I'd be a bad dad...

It's now or never.

Remington picks up his phone, going into his messages.

Remington- Hey, can you come over asap?

Ashley- I'm recording right now. I can be there around 2.

Remington- Seriously? No sooner? You weren't even supposed to record today

Ashley- Mind your fucking business Remington. Have you gone to the gym yet today? Go do that while you wait

Remington frowns, sitting on the sofa.

Will he even take me back? What if he found someone else...

His stomach drops and runs to the bathroom to vomit. This isn't anything new to him. He has scarring on his two fingers now from his teeth when he makes himself throw up. He does this to make Ashley happy. God why didn't I see this shit sooner.

Remington- Is he going to see the lawyer today...

Emerson- yeah. He's going straight there from the plane. They've been talking for about two weeks now so I think it's just finalizing everything.

Remington- Did he...find someone else?

Emerson- He hasn't said anything but I wouldn't be surprised. I saw him photographed with another guy the other day. They weren't holding hands or anything but you never know.

Fuck....fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Black Waves Part 2Where stories live. Discover now