Future and Babies

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Remington wakes up abruptly and so far everything looks the same. Andy is spooning him from behind, his long arms around his tiny waist. He can feel his soft, slow breaths against his neck. He lifts up his hand and looks at his ring finger, which isn't empty anymore. What the fuck is happening? 

Andy stirs next to him, noticing that his lover had made small movements. "G'morning baby love," Andy says all huskily. 

Remington carefully flips and lays on his back, looking at his tired lover. "Andy...I'm just...I don't understand."

The older places a kiss on his husband's temple, readjusting his body so he can still be cuddled to the man. 

"I don't get it...it was all so real..."

Andy nods, listening to his concerns. "Hey, it's okay baby. The doctor came in last night and said you have a minor brain bleed. They are going to watch it but it should resolve on its own. When he does rounds you can ask him yourself but he thinks the trauma and the medical induced coma is what gave you those lucid dreams."

Remington tears up and nods, "You p..promise you didn't cheat on me?"

Andy gently places his hand on Remington's cheek, leaning down to kiss his lifts softly. Remington returns it hastily, so heartbroken that he needs to feel his lover. "I promise. I promise I promise."

Remington pushes himself against the man again, kissing him desperately and needingly. "Please don't ever leave me," he says in between kisses.

"I won't I won't," Andy pants, kissing his soft lips again and nibbling on his bottom lip. They both separate and lean their foreheads onto each other's. "Was there anything in the dream that you realized was a dream though?"

Remington rubs Andy's tshirt covered chest, thinking hard about every event that happened. 

"Um, I felt really cold hands on me randomly right before I was stabbed. The lights would flicker...um...I heard random bangs. I remember choking on something and cold hands everywhere. The stabs were horrid. It felt so real."

He looks down at the catheter in his chest. "That's where I was stabbed...and in the arm..." He looks at huge bruising from the IV that was there originally before he pulled it out.

"You were kind of awake when you were sent to the hospital...do you think maybe your dream was colliding with what was happening in reality?" 

Remington shrugs, rubbing his lover's chest in comfort. 

"I stayed with you through the entire trauma room and ambulance ride. You were thrashing so bad, choking on blood and screaming that you were sorry and regret it. You uh were trying to talk to me about not wanting to die and how you want kids. A boy and a girl."

"I, uh, I remember that in my dream, but I was being stabbed. And you kept saying I was going to fine."

Andy nods, rubbing Remington's stomach softly. "I did tell you that. I was trying my hardest to keep you from thrashing but you were in such a bad place it was scary. But uh Did you mean the baby thing?"

Remington shrugs, watching his husband carefully. "I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten pregnant yet."

Andy chuckles, "I just want you to know, I'm ready when you are. When you want to start trying we can."

A tear falls from Remington's eye and he nods quickly. "How about we let whatever happen happen. I don't want to force anything right now."

Andy smiles big, kissing his lover's tummy. "I'm excited for you to carry my babies."

Remington breaks into tears, hugging Andy tight.

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