Eating Disorders and Trauma

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Andy rubs Remington's back gently, trying to keep him comfortable. He's been a whimpering mess but good news is they increased all his numbers back into a safe zone. Nurses have been checking up on him regularly through out the day and encouraging him to drink more water. 

Dr. Collace knocks on the door and comes in, sitting on a chair across from the couple.

"So Remington how are you feeling now? Any better? Any worse?"

"Nauseous. My body hurts. It's hard keeping food down but I'm trying."

The doctor nods, listening to his complaints. Andy continues to rub his back gently, telling him he's okay.

"Okay so Andy please help him on some of these questions because we need honesty in order to treat him and you know him best. We aren't here to judge you but we want to help you get back to a livable life, right?"

Remington nods, looking at Andy nervously.

"Like what? What's going on?" Andy asks nervously.

"Remington, have you gone through any major life changes? New job? Moved? Fight with family? Lost anyone?"

"Um, I overdosed a few months ago due to depression... I have had someone stalking and threatening me. Also me and Ands broke up for awhile but we literally just got back together yesterday."

Remington looks at Andy for approval and he nods.

"He also just went through a toxic relationship during our break up."

Dr. Collace nods, writing it down. "So it does sound like you've been under a great deal of stress that isn't normal. Do you have a good support system at home? I see you have a husband but do you have any other family or close friends?"

"Yeah I have two brothers that live out here."

"Okay good good. So this one is a hard one and you can think before answering right away. Have you had any major life changes in yourself? Such as exercising, eating, dieting, fasting, binging or vomiting?"

Remington gulps, feeling ashamed. "I stopped eating," he whispers. "I'd eat maybe once a day...something light. I usually can't even hold it down though. My ex...he told me if I ate then to force myself to throw up. All I really had was hot tea with lemons most of the time. And lots of water. But the more I did it, the more I can't hold food down anymore."

"You are doing good baby. It's okay," Andy whispers at him. 

"The one time I did eat a lot I made myself puke it back up. But I exercise a lot too. But I've been getting really dizzy often and I have been seeing black spots in my vision. I was told I...I was fat and needed to keep losing."

"Thank you for being so honest with me Remington. Most people rather lie and hide what they are truly doing. So especially based off what all you've told me and based off your blood panel you are going through anorexia nervosa. You are considered underweight based off the BMI scale but in person visually I'm sure you aren't feeling well at all. Have you always been on the smaller side?"

Tears sting Remington's eyes, not knowing what to say.

"He has always been skinny and tiny. Once the stalking progressed he ate in smaller amounts and not as frequently. He was 195 at first then dropped to 180. But he still ate and wasn't throwing up."

Remington sniffles quietly, feeling ashamed.

"It'll be okay. You just went through a major episode for a couple of months but we pulled you out of it just in time. As long as you don't go back to what you were doing before you will stay much better. Now you do have some options of treatment. We can have you on a feeding tube to help with adding calories with no extra work on your part. You will still need to eat while on it so you can mentally stay with eating. Or you can try to eat on your own, you need a minimum of 2000 calories a day. Don't binge eat because it'll make it worse for you. I would like for you to at least weigh 160 by the next two months. I'll give you two time to decide on what you would like to do. But Andy please make sure he has the support system he needs okay? I'll be back later."

The doctor leaves the room and Remington busts out into tears. 

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