Anticipation and Security

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Andy is the first to wake up, yawning and stretching carefully. He looks over to his husband who is barely wrapped up in the sheets, his skin absolutely glowing. Andy smiles when he thinks of last night's events, every sound his husband would make. He leans over and touches his husband's naked thigh, then slowly traces down to his ankle. Remington stirs but keeps his eyes closed, breathing softly. Andy retraces from his ankle to his upper thigh and ass, realizing the younger is awake because he is smiling even though his eyes are closed. 

"Having fun Anna Banana?"

Andy scoffs and pretends to be offended. "Who the fuuuck is that Remington Leith Biersack? Someone I should know about?"

His eyes are closed but he giggles. "You are my Anna with a big thick banana."

Andy blushes and grabs Remington's thigh, making his leg drape over him. "So big and thick that it makes you scream and co-"

"Okay okay I get it! I like it!" Remington opens his eyes and is blushing as well. 

Remington moves his body closer and snuggles into Andy's arms, tracing the tattoos on his arms and chest. He breathes slowly and Andy kisses his head, loving the scent of him. He pulls out his phone to see if anyone has caught anything and to his surprise, they did.

The security caught images of someone driving on their road a couple times and would stop in front of their house. They caught images of the car and license plate but couldn't get a clear view of the driver. After the sixth time of them stopping they came out to confront the driver but they sped off. 

He puts his phone down and sighs, holding his husband closer.

"Everything okay Ands?" Remington whispers into his chest.

"Of course my darling, everything is fine. It's all okay."

Andy grabs his jaw softly and Remington cringes, still having pain from when it was broken. It is mostly healed now but the pain is still there.

"Shit, sorry baby I forget sometimes. But do you really want to know or do you just want me to handle it on my own? Either way is fine lovey, but I don't want you to think I'm hiding anything okay?"

Remington nods, tracing his eagle tattoo. "Please tell me though, I rather be on board and prepared."

Andy sighs, holding him tighter. "They caught someone driving outside our house a lot last night. They would stop and then drive off. But once security confronted them they never came back. They have already reported it to authorities and the pictures of the car and license plate."

"Ands, I thought Atlanta was our safe haven," he mumbles against his chest.

"You are never going to be alone baby, don't worry about that. Every time they have tried something is when we were separated. I'm not allowing that. I will be with you all the time or have someone we both trust with you, that way nothing can happen. You should be able to breathe and relax in your own home, okay loves? And I got you, we all do. It'll be okay."

Remington nods and looks at his phone, seeing some texts from an unknown number.

unknown- You were so cute last night singing and dancing. It's nice to see you up and smiley

unknown- I'm honestly impressed that you lived. You are a lot stronger than what I gave you credit for. I thought you were going to bleed out tbh.

unknown- But just remember, slut, I still have all of our videos :) 

"Um, Andy...?" Remington's face becomes pale as he sits up quickly, feeling his heart start to race. Andy sits up with him and looks at the messages, while Remington stands, starting to panic. 

"No no baby come back to bed, let's solve part of this okay?" Remington crawls to him, gasping for air as his throat feels like it is closing. Andy already is rubbing his shoulders and grabbed the water bottle next to their bed, helping him drink. 

"Breathe baby, breathe with me," he says quietly, helping the blonde man's heart slow back down to normal and the world starts to look more tolerable. "Sweetheart, we need to talk about everything that happened there. I need to understand. I know it's something you don't want to reopen but, but we really need to."

Remington plays with his fingers and looks down, "You won't look at me the same won't want to be near me."

"Petal you were forced..."

"Not with everything," he whispers quietly.

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