Yawns and Tubes

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Andy hurries down the lobby and up the elevator. He goes on to the sixth floor and rushes to the front desk. A nurse smiles at him and puts down the phone.

"I'm here for my husband. Remington Biersack."

She nods and stands up. "Follow me sir."

She scans her ID through multiple doors, and instructs Andy to wash his hands for three minutes. She then takes him to multiple glass rooms and guides him into Remington's room. 

"He does have two other visitors in the lobby but he is only allowed 1 visitor. He is very weak and hasn't been stable yet. Don't cause him any stress and stay calm. Anything that works him up can easily be detrimental. If you need anything call the nurses station and we will be right there."

Andy shakily nods, and walks inside the room. Remington has an oxygen mask on with a bunch of wires all over his chest. They put an IV in his left arm, dripping fluids into his veins. His skin is so pale. His eyes are dark and look almost bruised. 

He opens them barely, revealing a small smirk. "Andy?"

"Hey baby, I'm here," he whispers, sitting in the chair next to him and holds his hand. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"Scared," he whispers, squeezing Andy's hand. He takes off his oxygen mask, "Kiss me. Please."

Andy nods and leans over, kissing his lips softly. Andy puts the oxygen mask back on his face, rubbing his head gently. "You need to rest baby. Heal for me, okay?" 

"Can you sing to me until I fall asleep?"

"Of course baby, anything you need."

Andy wakes up the next morning with his head on Remington's bed. He groans and sits up, stretching carefully. A doctor comes in and smiles at Andy. She wore her black hair in a messy bun.

"I am going to be putting him on a feeding tube. He has gained some weight from his previous Anorexia Nervosa diagnosis but it's not enough for his health. We already sedated him so he won't feel us putting it in."

Andy nods. "Is he doing any better now?"

"He hasn't had any issues with any arrythmia this morning. His blood sugar and blood pressure has stabilized. He's not in the clear just yet but he is getting there."

She inserts a tube up his nose, shoving a lot of tube in. She tapes it to his face and smiles at Andy.

"Now he will need to eat as well as this. If he doesn't eat it'll just contribute to the Anorexia. Are you going to be on the road again soon?"

He shakes his head. "No I'll be with him entirely." 

"Okay he really needs good support right now. I will be back to check on him in 90 minutes. He will wake up soon if you want to stick around or go down to the cafeteria."

"Thank you," he says, grabbing onto Remington's clammy hand. He rubs it softly, humming to him. God this is not how I wanted any of this to be.

Andy checks his phone and sees several texts from Sebastian and Emerson's group chat.

Andy- He's doing a lot better. He isn't out of the woods yet but he's making progress

Emerson- OMFG about time you messaged us! We've been worried shitless. They haven't told us anything and won't let us back there

Andy- He's only allowed 1 visitor and it's me. Look just go home and I'll text you two if anything happens. He's really weak and I'm really pissed off at the whole situation. 

Sebastian- Dude, he's a capable adult. He knew what he should have been doing. I shouldn't have to remind him to take his sugar test or to eat

Andy- He needed fucking help! Yes he's capable he just needed reminded! Instead of overworked and not eating and getting drunk! I thought you guys would actually help him instead of enabling him! Now he's on fucking oxygen and on a feeding tube! Like I said, I'll text you if he has any updates. But nothing more.

He turns his phone off and groans, feeling heat in his stomach and chest. He could punch them square in the face right now. They should have helped him. He trusted them.

Remington twitches, grabbing Andy's attention. He opens his eyes and smiles weakly at Andy.


"Hey, you," Andy smiles, kissing his forehead. 

"What's in my fucking nose?" Remington touches the tube, scrunching his nose.

"Feeding tube babe. Don't freak out it's okay."

Remington nods, laying his hand back down. "I'm so glad you are back."

"I don't know, Rem, you had a heart attack instead of getting spanked and having to masturbate in front of me on video. I think you are taking the cowards way out."

Remington chuckles, groaning and clutching his chest. "It hurts to laugh." 

"Fuck I'm sorry. Don't laugh babe."

"I can't believe that was my punishment you perv."

"Oh you'll still get it, just when you are healthier and stronger."

Remington smiles, slowly sliding his hand to his side. "I'm so tired baby."

"Try to wait until breakfast, okay? You need to eat some."

Remington nods, holding Andy's hand. 

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