Rosé and Lips

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The next few days have been blissful. Remington has been allowing himself to be more open with his husband than he has been the last six months. They can now hold hands, Andy can rub his feet, hold him, hug, cuddle against each other, and as long as he asks permission first he can give his husband quick little kisses. To Andy, it's almost like how they were on their first date, with how shy Remington has became. But nonetheless it is progress, and they are getting back onto some sort of normalcy. 

They decide to push the boundaries and go to Safta, a restaurant that's supposed to be famous for their hummus and pita. Remington hasn't been eating much and has dropped a bunch of weight so Andy is hoping he will fill himself on something. They order the wood roasted mushroom hummus to share, and everything is bliss. 

Remington drinks his wine and moans quietly, "This is fucking amazing."

Andy laughs and spreads more hummus on a piece of pita, "How do you feel about this trip so far? Be honest baby."

"It's been a breath of fresh air. I'm just happy I can enjoy little things again. I never thought I'd be able to sit at a restaurant in a million years."

Andy smiles, reaching over to hold his hand. "I'm so fucking glad to hear this. Your brothers will be too. They've been messaging me nonstop making sure you are okay."

Remington looks down and whispers, "I couldn't be more thankful for all of you. Seriously. Thank you for not giving up on me."

"I could never. In sickness and in health, right?"

"I'm fucking sick of going through the sickness though," he chuckles. 

They end up sharing a plate of arayes, once their meal is done they have drank 2 bottles of wine and are quite tipsy and giggling. They get into a taxi and go back to their cabin, walking in clumsily and laughing into each other. This is the most calm they have been in a while.

"Ands, open another bottle pleaaaase," Remington whimpers, sprawled out on the floor next to the fireplace. 

"Rosé or or merlot?"

"Hmmmmm rosé!"

Andy opens the bottle and grabs two glasses, sitting next to his lover. Remington reaches into the ottoman and pulls out Scrabble. Andy laughs because of how tipsy they are, this isn't going to end well. 

I fucking love him. Andy turned off the lights so the only light was the fire, and it looked so beautiful reflecting on his husband. They are already halfway into the game and the bottle is gone, and Remington is falling from tipsy to drunk quicker than Andy. 

The only open word is fucking nails and the N and S is already connected to something. Fuck he can never be easy on me. Wait... let me try this, I think this is a word.

Remington puts a Q on top of the I, and starts laughing out loud. 

"There is no fucking way that's a word Remi! Admit your defeat!"

"I swear it is! Look it up you bastard!"

Andy's face is flushed from laughing and pulls out his phone, then throws his phone on the couch.

"You fucker it is a word! How the fuck can you get 11 points for two letters?"

Remington fell all the way on the floor and is laughing hysterically, feeling the alcohol take over. Andy is laughing with him, all their worries went away. Until...

Remington sits back up on his knees, watching Andy smile and take a sip of his wine. 

His lips, his hands, God I love watching his hands on me, rubbing me, choking me...

"You okay?" Andy chuckles, watching his husband's zoned out expression.

His lips, God I miss biting his lip. Or when I'd watch his lips...

Remington slowly crawls to Andy, shoving the Scrabble board to the side. He sits in his lap, playing with his hair and continues to stare at his lips. Andy puts his arms around him softly, while Remington gently grabs onto his hair, kissing him passionately. Andy hums in his mouth, while Remington shoves his tongue in his mouth, moaning a little louder. Andy breaks away from the kiss breathlessly while Remington kisses and sucks on his neck, creating small love bruises along the way. He then sits on the ground, pulling Andy on top of him, letting Andy kiss him hard and fast. Remington puts his hand in the waistband of Andy's jeans and boxers, and Andy stops the kiss, sitting back up. 

"Ands, what are you doing?" Remington pants, sitting up on his elbows.

"You aren't ready baby. You are drunk and I don't want to take advantage of you."

Remington sits up and wraps his arms around Andy's neck, kissing it softly. 

"Don't I turn you on still? Make love to me darling."

Andy groans at his advances but knows it isn't right. 

"I want you sober when we have sex again. I don't want you waking up the next day scared because you were confident with liquor."

Remington whimpers and they both lay down together, cuddling in each other's embrace.

"Can we still kiss though? It feels nice..." Remington whispers shyly.

Andy smiles and nods and they kiss each other until eventually falling asleep by the fire in each other's arms. 

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