Tacos and No Tequila

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The flight home is smooth and quiet. Thank god for no more noise cancelling headphones. And blindfolds. Not with my brothers at least, ha!

Remington sighs in relief when he opens his front door. The whole house has always calmed him. Andy's style is so serene and earthy. 

"Move your ass out of the way," Sebastian grunts. With how fragile his brother's health seems he rather stay with him until Andy is back. 

"Thanks for doing this Sebby. You really didn't have to." Remington smiles sincerely. 

Sebastian chuckles and throws his luggage down. "I'm always here for you. No matter what's going on in our lives. Now go check your sugar while I order us some tacos. I'll go grocery shopping tomorrow."

Remington nods and sits on the couch, grabbing the meter and test strips from the coffee table. His phone vibrates, so he puts the meter down.

Andy- Hey love are you home yet??

Remington- just got home. Abt to check number and eat some food. Seb is staying here

Andy- Oh thank God. I was scared you were alone

Remington- lol no, Seb wants me to be with someone until u are back home. 

Andy- Good. Pls do that. I'm so scared about you baby...

Remington sets the phone down and pushes the meter against his skin. His hand starts to sweat and he can't get himself to push the button. Why am I like this?

Sebastian walks in the room. "I'm so excited I haven't had tacos in forever. Larisa is coming over too, hope you don't mind."

Remington nods, still trying to amp his self up.

"Well what's your levels like?"

"I'm scared to jab myself. I used to make Andy do it," he laughs nervously. "It's so small and barely noticeable...I don't know why I'm scared."

Sebastian smiles, taking his brother's hand and pressing the button against his finger. Remington jumps slightly but relaxes once it's all over. 

"Thanks jerk face," he chuckles.

"Your welcome ass hat."

Remington puts his blood on the strip and shoves it in the device, setting it back down."

Remington- please don't be scared honey. I always manage. I'm not leaving you any time soon

Andy- I can't help it baby. Not until I'm at least with you. Please take it easy

Remington- well I'm seeing my doctor and a cardiologist tomorrow. Will that make you less worried?

Andy- LMAO no! Because I wish you didn't have to see them at all 😒

Remington- 64

Andy- Still not good...

Remington- I'm sorry Ands

Andy- pls eat. Drink plenty of water. I love u

Remington- I love you more 🖤

A knock is at the door and Remington gets the tacos from the delivery person, tipping him as he leaves. Larisa comes in right after and hugs Remington tight, then running to Sebastian and jumping on him.

Remington smiles as he watches them, missing his husband.

He opens the bag and frowns, yelling "What no tequila?"

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