Replacements and Stories

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William paced around the living room, walking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He is grabbing at his gelled black hair, laughing manically.

"This wasn't the fucking plan, this wasn't the fucking plan!"

Remington stayed still on the brown ripped up leather couch, his knees pressed up against his chest. His eyes dart around the room but the windows are all covered and boxed up. The little kicks in his tummy calms him down, knowing he has to survive for his little jellybean.

"Boss, we can deal with it for you. If you can't handle it."

William laughs harder, looking at the dark long haired man in front of him. "If I can't handle it? Of course I can kill the fucker easily! What I can't fucking do is kill him with a child!"

Remington breathes in deep, his hands are trembling against his knees.

"Let us handle it. We won't let you see a thing. Boss, we can do it."

Remington lets out a sob, hiding his face into his knees. He needs to live. He has to!

William matches up to Remington, grabbing his hair and yanking his head up.

"Ow ow ow please stop!" Tears gather in his big brown eyes, fear present.

"How far along are you?" William growls, holding his hair tight.

"Answer me!" He yells directly in the boy's face.

"T...twenty four wee...weeks."

William lets him go dragging his fingers across his face. "24 fucking weeks. Too god damn young to cut it out of you but too fucking old to let you die with it. Fuck."

"Please let me go..." Remington sobs, his whole body trembling. "Please let me go be with my husband. This is his baby. We were finally happy. Please..."

William laughs loudly, shaking his head. "After all that the bastard has done to me? Never. I'll never stop until one of you is fucking dead. Either him or his lover, so he could never be happy again. He deserves it Remington!"

Remington hiccups and holds his hands over his bump protectively. "What did he do that is so fucking bad Will? No one ever deserves this. Please. I'm so scared."

The man chuckles darkly, sitting next to the scared boy on the couch. "Come here baby, let me fill you in on why your precious hubby deserves all the fucking pain."

The younger shakes his head, yelping when William pulls him on his lap, lifting up his shirt.

"What a beautiful pregnant belly. God can you become any cuter? You with child is on a whole different level." He runs his hands over his tummy, making Remington cringe.

"Please, William, please..."

"You know, I'd let you live and raise the baby if you become my partner. Let me become the baby's father. I mean, I will regardless, just depends on if you will be by my side or not."

Tears slip past Remington's eyes, Do I take him on his offer? Do I tell him no and wait for death? I need to protect my baby...fuck Andy please forgive's for our jellybean...

"I need to be with my baby regardless of everything else." He sniffles, wiping his tears.

"Good choice baby," William smiles, standing up and reaching his hand out to Remington.

"Let's go to bed and you can prove it to me with those sexy small hips..."

"No!" Remington squeals, his eyes wide. "I... I... I mean I um can't."

"What do you mean you can't? Or do you mean you are rejecting my offer, hm?"

Or I don't want to touch your disgusting fucking ass and I don't want you to discover my phone in my sock...

"The doctor, um, the doctor said I can't have sex. I can um go into early labor. I'm supposed to be on bed rest, only walking a little bit."

"I found you at the fucking mall walking. Are you lying little Remi?"

Sweat starts forming on Remington's brow, him gulping. "I um I can call and confirm it with my doctor if you want. I just wanted some baby clothes."

William nods, grabbing Remington's wrist up. "Sounds like you need to take a shower and get to bed then. Come on."

As William is starting the shower, Remington hides his phone underneath the sink, covering bottles of chemicals over it. He then groans as he takes off his shoes, his belly causing deep pain.

"In you go," William smirks, smacking his ass on the way in. He then undresses himself, looking through Remington's clothes and takes his wallet, setting it on the counter.

He joins Remington in the shower, wrapping his arms around his swollen tummy. "Mmm this feels good, doesn't it?"

Remington nods, closing his eyes. " you really want to be a father?"

"Mhm. I have a son but the ex took him from me and left. I won't have you doing that now."

"Never," Remington whispers, hoping he sounds sincere. "You'll be an amazing Daddy." Tears flow down his cheeks, hiding it with the stream of the shower.

"And you will be a perfect, sexy little trophy husband. Waiting for me every day on your knees, ready to get fucked."

Remington gulps, nodding quickly. "Whatever you need me to be."

Once they dry off and get into bed, William grabs Remington's hips, pressing against him tightly. "So let me tell you the story of your little ex husband and why he deserves this."

Remington closes his eyes hard, waiting to hear the tale.

"Years ago I was touring with my own band, had a shit ton of fans, everyone fucking worshipped me. I had couples asking me to Dom for them, to smack their wives around, fuck it was amazing. I had my flings and girlfriends all over the world, waiting for me to say the magic words. When I'd be home, I had my ugly little wife and our son waiting. I was their king.

Then one fucking day I met Black Veil Brides', angry and full of shit. Andy was married to a woman. A beautiful little woman. A woman who fancied me more I do believe. But she never acted on it. I did however try to get him into bed on multiple occasions. Instead, what does the fucker do? Tweets about it. How I'm such a perv, how I was cheating on my wife. Then he went and found some proof on my phone and sent it all to her! He posted some online!

My wife divorced me for everything I had and won. She has full custody. I haven't seen my boy in years! An awful fucking hag. Left me broke, with nothing. My whole life taken from me. But then I received a job offer as a producer, but little did I fucking know it was with him and his band. I couldn't stand the fucker. And then there I was, producing his god damn gaudy ass band."

That wasn't even fucking bad...I was expecting there to be death or something.

"He...he shouldn't have ever done that to you." He whimpers out. "It wasn't his place. I'm sorry he did that to you."

"It's been 7 years since I've seen my kid. And last I spoke to him my ex wife brain washed him into thinking I was scum. His own father!"

"But now, I have something better. I took his spouse and kid from him, and that's the sweetest fucking revenge. He will be wrecked and I can't wait."

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