Low Sugar and Weight

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Remington stands up quickly and his heart skips a beat.

"Hey Ands," he says and walks to the door. He helps him bring a bag of food inside and their drinks. Andy also has a brown envelope in his other hand and Remington breathes in deep, not wanting to know.

Andy stops and stares at Remington up and down, making him blush.

"I got sushi, hope you don't mind. I just haven't had good sushi in a long ass time." Andy takes off his jacket and puts it on the side of the couch.

Remington chuckles and puts it on the coffee table. "Me either honestly. And you know I love some good sushi."

Andy places the envelope next to him and opens the bags while Remington gets glasses for them to drink out of. He sets them down and sits next to Andy, smelling his cologne. Andy hands him a tray of food and they both eat silently.

"How have you been doing?" Andy asks, giving him a slight smile.

Remington sets his food down and picks up his sprite and slowly drinks some. "Um, I'm alive I guess. How about you? How've you been?"

"If you eat 5 more pieces and an egg roll I'll tell you I've been fabulous."

Remington laughs and puts his drink down. "Don't worry about me Ands, I'm okay."

"How much weight have you lost?" Andy asks, putting his food on the table as well.

The question shocks Remington. Ashley is constantly calling him fat. Does Andy think he's fat?

"I don't remember how much I weighed when I came out here."

"You were 182."

"Oh. I'm 144 right now." He looks down and plays with his fingers.

Andy's eyes widen, his face in visible shock.

"Rem you need to eat more...you will get sick if you don't."

"Ashley won't let me," he mumbles and looks out the window.

Andy frowns and hesitantly puts his hand on Remington's shoulder. "He doesn't control or own you. Remember that."

Remington remembers what happened earlier and he cringes.

"Look, there is an actual reason I came out this way. I'm sorry I didn't give you much of a heads up but I figured it would be better this way."

Andy grabs the brown envelope and slowly unravels it and opens it. He hands Remington a fancy black pen and pulls out a stapled booklet of documents.

"You haven't contacted me and Ashley still snaps me from time to time to show me how happy you two are. I told you I want you happy so let's just get this over with, okay? Now I put on there that we are not after each other's finances and you can keep this house and I'll keep the Atlanta house. You keep your car of course and I can even pay you alimony if you like."

Remington looks down at the document and looks back up at Andy.

"What if I don't want to sign it?"

Andy sighs, "If you want to go see a lawyer go ahead Remi. I'm not after anything bad. I promise."

"N...no...I mean what if I don't want a divorce." His hands are shaky and tears fill his eyes.


"Did you find someone else?" He whispers, scared to all hell

Andy frowns and grabs Remington's hands, gently rubbing them. "No I haven't. I've been working on a new album since you left. I don't have time for anyone else... But you, I don't make you happy. It's okay to let go. You found someone you are in love with."

"Andy...I don't want a divorce. Please. I don't love him..." He has tears running down his face and he holds Andy's hands tightly.

Andy stands up and puts his jacket back on. "Ashley snapped me earlier of you two having sex. Don't lead me on Remington. I don't want to be played with anymore. I'm not a dog that you can just keep kicking when it's down."

Remington winces. "Please don't go, please let me explain. Please Andrew," his voice his shaking and grabs onto Andy's arms.

Andy rolls his eyes and slides his fingers through his hair. "What Rem? What? You ignore me for months but when I come to end it you all of a sudden beg me to stay? What if it's too late?"

Remington starts to hyperventilate and he grips Andy tighter. "Please don't leave, please, Andy, baby, please. I love you so fucking much. Don't leave me..."

The view of him this way breaks Andy's heart. Even if he was the one to cheat, Andy's heart still fully belonged to him. But he doesn't want to, he will just get hurt again and again. Andy hugs him tight and Remington sobs into his shoulder. "Andy...I think I'm going to faint."

"No no no, let me get you to your room." Andy picks him up bridal style and notices how light he is. "Breathe deep and slow, try to stay calm. What else have you eaten today?"

His body is slightly shaking and he whimpers, "Just what you brought here."

Andy places him down on the bed and takes off his shoes and socks. "What about yesterday?"

"A salad...but...I couldn't keep it down."

"Fuck Remi your blood sugar is probably low. Let me get the food in here hold on."

Andy quickly comes back in and gives him an egg roll to munch on. Remington's hands are completely shaking and he tries to nibble on the food. "Andy I'm seeing black spots I'm fucking scared."

"Relax sweetie, it's okay. Breathe for me. Eat that as much as you can."

Andy pulls out his phone and googled low sugar symptoms.

After reading on suggestions he puts his phone down and encourages Remington to eat and goes back for his Sprite. After ten minutes the shakiness stops and Remington is thankfully feeling better. Andy frowns and rubs his back gently.

The door opens and Ashley steps in, walking in on Andy comforting Remington.

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