Gains and Pancakes

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Andy has been avoiding Remington for the last three weeks since the incident. Remington has begged and pleaded with the man to accept his apologies but Andy is still feeling betrayed. He doesn't know what to do with his husband and even though he didn't cheat on him, what did he think was going to happen? The man had been way too obviously flirting with him!

Remington was getting dressed in the bathroom when he sobbed loudly. The side zipper on his pants won't zip! Since when did he gain so much weight? He looks in the mirror and notices his hips have gotten slightly bigger than his usual petite frame. His stomach has a small pudge too. I look ugly. I'm fat. No wonder Andy hasn't slept in the same bed for three fucking weeks. Maybe I should start throwing up my food again. Yeah I'll just do that. Andy won't know anyways.

He glares at the toilet and frowns, knowing that it'll become his best friend again. For now? Just don't eat.

He walks back out in his boxers and a big hoodie, hiding his gained assets from everyone else. Emerson howls and smacks him in the ass as he walks by, making him groan in annoyance.

"Come on bub lighten up!"

"Shut up Emmy," he mumbles as he slides on a much more comfortable pair of joggers. He lays in his bunk and positions his lap top in front of him, turning on The Office. His stomach cramps heavily wanting food but he does what Ashley taught him to do; drink loads of hot tea.

"Hey Rem wake up we are leaving."

Remington sits up quickly and rubs his eyes, not remembering even closing them in the first place. Shit I feel sick. Ugh someone just kill me now.

"You said what?" Remington yawns, stretching his arms up.

"We are going to a pancake diner. Come on wake up," Sebastian says softly.

"I'm up I'm up," he grumbles, grabbing his phone and wallet. He stands up wobbly and locks eyes with his husband.

"You feeling okay?" Andy asks, noticing his husband looks a little pale.

"Couldn't be better," he sighs back, slowly putting a pair of Adidas slides on. He doesn't care about looks anymore now that his favorite pair of pants don't fit.

"Have you checked your sugar?" Andy asks, stepping closer to the man.

"You know I can't do it myself," Remington frowns at the man, stepping past him and leaving the bus.

After everything, Remington feels so stupid for going out with Josh. He even feels more stupid because he should have seen the signs when Josh kept telling him to drink more. He knows he shouldn't have left Andy's side but he was so mad at him that day. He just wanted a break to be normal.

His sugars are probably low but he doesn't care anymore. His depression is hitting him hard and he rather sleep the day away. Remington misses Andy like crazy but Andy has been straight up ignoring him until a few moments ago. He doesn't feel loved in the slightest and wants to go back home. Home to Atlanta and home with Charlie. Home so he can burrito himself in bed and sob until he is sobbed out.

Remington leans his back against the bus, watching the busy highway in front of him. The noises from the cars are surprisingly calming. He jumps when Andy brings him out of his daze, gently grabbing his hand. Andy pricks his finger and collects the blood into the meter, waiting to see the results. Remington nods at him, staring back at the highway and waits for his brothers to get off the bus. He isn't uncomfortable around his husband, but the feeling isn't that great around him either.

They all head inside, sighing in relief when the smell of coffee swirls in the air. A short plump waitress comes around in a blue apron, smiling at the brothers and handing them each a menu.

They order their drinks when Andy nudges Remington gently. "54."

Remington nods, leaning his head against the booth wall.

"Have you decided on what you want love?" Andy asks quietly, seeing his husband in distress whether Remington realizes it or not.

"Cuppa tea is fine," he mumbles, closing his eyes.

Andy frowns and grabs his hand. "54 Remington. 54. And you've been throwing up again. Are you forcing it or are you still sick?"

Remington rolls his eyes at the man. "Is 54 the only reason why you are talking to me or what do you really want?"

Andy looks at his husband in shock. He has been acting rather selfish instead of talking it out but he didn't realize how bad it was affecting his lover.

"I've been talking to you Remi I don't know what you are talking about."

"Three fucking miserable ass long weeks you've ignored me. You wouldn't talk to me or nothing. You won't sleep with me, you won't text me, you ignore my existence. I just want a husband that loves me and cares, you know? Not whatever the fuck we have going on."

The table goes silent. Emerson and Sebastian nervously look at Andy, not knowing what to say. Hell Andy doesn't know what to say either. Of course he loves Remington and the hurt he caused killed him. But he shouldn't have taken it this far and ignored him for weeks.

Andy clears his throat, flipping the menu over and showing Remington a photo. "They have Nutella waffles, will you try to eat that?"

Remington looks down and nods, playing with his fingers nervously.

Once the waitress comes back and takes their order, Andy puts his arm around his husband and pulls him close. Remington sadly puts his head on his shoulder, not saying a word. Now it's Andy's turn to feel guilty and he does heavily.

The waitress hands out their food, piling napkins in the middle and making sure everyone's order is correct. Remington takes a look at his food and grimaces, feeling sick to his stomach.

Andy nudges him gently, encouraging him to eat. He knows how much he is obsessed with Nutella and this shouldn't be an issue. Remington groans and cuts off a piece of waffle, putting it in his mouth slowly. His face distorts in disgust, shocking the whole table.

"That isn't Nutella," he groans, putting his fork down. Andy cuts himself off a piece and looks at his husband in confusion. "Um baby it's Nutella."

"No that's fucking nasty whatever that is," he whines.

"Here switch with me," Andy says, giving Remington his strawberry cheesecake pancakes.

Once they got back to the bus Remington lays back down in his bunk, wrapping his arms around himself and sighing. Andy sneaks behind him and wraps his arms around his lover, rubbing his back gently.

"Are you making yourself sick babe?" Andy whispers, making sure their curtain is shut.

"No, but I need to. I've gained a lot of weight."

Andy frowns and looks over his husband. "You are tiny. You don't need to lose any honey you need to hold onto what you have."

"Andyyyy," he groans, "I can't fit into my favorite plaid pants anymore. They are too small! That is proof."

The older chuckles. "I'll buy you another pair how about that? Just don't go hurting yourself again. We only have 6 more weeks of this and we can make a doctor's appointment."

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