MindFreak and Scares

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The theater is dark, cold, with people whispering their excitement for the show to start. They sat 5 rows from the front of the stage, close enough to see the show easily. Remington sat between Andy and Sebastian. He is rubbing his hands together in excitement, bouncing in his seat. Andy grabs Remington's leather covered knee, whispering into his ear, "You are never this excited to see me. Should I be jealous?"

Remington chuckles, "You could maybe pass off as a younger version of him if you grew your hair back out."

Andy scoffs, squeezing his knee again. "After everything I've done for you? Fucker."

"Nah love you are the fucker. I'm just the fucked," he giggles back, a blush apparent on his cheeks.

Sebastian grabs Remington and pulls him over, nomming on his cheek.

"Oh my fucking God gross you asshole!" Remington squeals, playfully hitting his brother.

"You too looked a little too flirty and I'm breaking it up. I don't want you two making out next to me."

Andy grabs his husband back and licks slowly up his neck, watching Sebastian cringe, marking his territory. "Mine."

The theater starts cheering and whistling when Criss Angel walks on stage. The music is blaring and everyone is lost in the vibrations and noise, the flashing lights, the assistants and dancers on stage. Criss Angel is egging everyone on to make noise, walking straight up and down a ladder while the assistants show there is nothing holding him. 

There are several acrobats spinning on aerial rings, fire sprouting from all directions. Criss turned flames into a dove, the white bird flying away rapidly. Remington bites his knuckle and holds Andy's hand tightly, alerting him he's having anxiety. Andy kisses Remington's cheek, rubbing his hand softly. He gives him a reassuring smile and Remington snuggles his head into Andy's shoulder, eventually sitting back up when he's more confident.

The team of assistants put Criss into a straightjacket, maneuvering his shoulders out of socket and his wrists and arms working hard. He eventually frees himself, taking off his shirt and running across the stage to gain cheers.

Criss is escorted into a clear large box, amping up the crowd by trying to escape. The assistants put a dark cover over the cage, then lifting it back up quickly to reveal he's gone. The crowd gasps, then Remington feels icy cold fingers on both of his shoulders.


Remington shrieks and leans into Andy's side, realizing the performer somehow is now behind him. Criss runs back to the stage while Sebastian is doubled over laughing at his brother's expense. 

Once he's back on stage there are some fighters on stage, the acrobats swirling on their rings, fire is spouting everywhere. Criss does his final act of levitation, flipping and gliding easily through the air. The crowd stands and cheers, clapping excitedly. He bows and thanks the crowd for being great, walking off stage. 

"That was bloody amazing!" Emerson squeals, hugging onto his girlfriend. "I think he's doing a meet and greet out there!"

Remington rolls his eyes at Andy and they both chuckle, eventually able to slowly cascade from their seats into the main hall, where there are souvenirs and a crowd waiting for the magician to return. Sure enough, there is a line for a meet and greet and Emerson makes everyone stand with him. 

"I like your hat. Your whole aesthetic is very...pirate." Criss says to Emerson, who is trying his hardest not to fangirl. 

"Yeah Emerson js the pirate, I'm the gentleman, and Remi is the vampire," Sebastian says casually. They've all said it so much it just sticks.

"Hey, aren't you the little sexy thing I came behind earlier?" Criss asks, gesturing towards Remington. 

"Um, yeah, you sure scared the fuck out of me," Remington giggles awkwardly, not wanting any attention.

They go to walk off when Criss grabs Remington's wrist quickly, stopping him from leaving with everyone else. 

"Why don't you stick around baby and hang out with me? I can get you a drink, whatever you like. I'm a martini guy myself. Just for the olives."

Remington remembers the last time he had a martini when he was date raped, feeling a cold chill down his spine. 

"I um, I'm sorry I can't.* Remington scratches the back of his neck, not knowing what to say. "I um, I'm married." Why didn't Andy wait for him? Asshole.

"You look alone now though, so come on, have some fun with me," Criss gently kisses Remington's shocked lips, his heart rate quickening. 

He is very forward ...and there are people eating behind me...

Remington gulps and lowers his head from his direct eye contact.

"I, um, I'm sorry, but I really am married, my husband would t want me to-"

He gasps when Criss grabs his ass, causing him to squeak and jump up. Criss then slides a card down the front of Remington's pants, underneath his boxers and all. Andy walks back up the steps and frowns at the interaction, looking at both of them questionably.

"If you change your mind, text or call me, Remi."

Andy looks like he is going to beat the shit out of the man so Remington gently pushes him down the stairs, hand in hand.

He points at the tall man, mouthing Husband, and smiling. His knight in shining armor.

"Rem what the fuck was that all about?" Andy asks against his husband's ear, trying to find everyone else through the crowd.

"I don't know but I was about to panic. I didn't know where you went." Remington's eyes are wide and cringing at the pain Andy's hand is causing his own, squeezing it entirely too tight.

"He fucking kissed you Rem I saw it. Not only does the man kiss you but he gropes you, then shoving his number down your crotch. How the hell do I not go beat his face in for touching what is mine?"

"Andy you are hurting me..." Andy gasps and let's go of his husband's hand, not wanting to cause more harm. *I have no feelings for the man and I didnt want him touching me. I kept telling him I was married. I promise I wasn't trying to start something....I'm sorry." Remington whimpers, feeling guilty for not being too vocal on the situation.

Andy sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry for blaming you. I know it wasn't you. It just made my blood boil is all. I don't like sharing what's mine, especially my sexy little husband."

Remington blushes and smiles, finally finding the rest of them outside. 

"Hey there's a rave tonight a couple blocks from here. Let's go check it out." Larisa says excitingly, dragging her boyfriend to the location. They follow her until they find a building with blinding lights inside. The music is loud and they can feel it in their feet. This ought to be good.

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