Love and Regrets

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A cold breeze wakes up the two from their short lived nap. They are both naked on the bed with no covers when the window randomly opens. Andy stands up quickly to close it and hurries back to the bed, where they both are now under the covers. Remington's poor eyes are still red and achy and Andy feels so much guilt in his stomach. They say nothing in their awkward silence and Andy just wants to hurt himself for making his sweetheart cry. He wants to hold him but doesn't know if it'll make things better or worse. He ends up standing up and getting dressed, putting his shoes on and walking downstairs. 

"Wait...please don't leave..." Remington whimpers, throwing on a pair of joggers quickly and running after him down the stairs. Andy slips on his coat and scarf and grabs the keys, looking down at his feet. 

"Please Andy.... don't..." He begs, grabbing onto his arms.

"Remi baby I just fucking forced you to do something you so weren't ready to do. I coerced you into thinking you were ready. I just want some air baby. I promise I'll be right back okay?"

Remington shakily grabs Andy's face and glides his fingers in his hair. "Please stop," he softly kisses his lips and Andy kisses him back, loving his soft pillowy lips against his.

"You didn't force me into anything," he whispers while playing with his lover's soft black hair. "I wanted it. I needed it. It felt so amazing Ands."

Andy sighs and puts his arms around the younger, while Remington softly kisses his jaw.

"Then why were you crying? Baby you were sobbing. You were inconsolable."

Remington grabs his face and makes him look at him in the eyes. "Andy I fucking adore you. You are the best god damn thing that has ever happened to me. And I've missed over half a year of that being scared of you. I couldn't even hold your fucking hand or god even talk to you for months! I'm fucking mad okay? I want to be normal and go on dates and walks with you but I can't! And this morning, god it was so fucking amazing."

Remington steps back and wraps his arms around himself. Tears start to spill from his eyes and Andy watches him. "I...I love you enough to let you go though Ands."

"Baby... stop that..." Andy goes to hug him but Remington backs up.

"I may have been out of it these last few months, but I have noticed your pain. Your pain because I couldn't be near you. You lost a husband. And I sat there and watched you unfold."

Andy tears up and grabs him, hugging him tight. 

"Ands, I want you to be happy. You haven't been happy in a long fucking time."

"Stop talking about leaving me because you won't," he says into his ear, still hugging him tight. "I have to drug you up to even get in the car. Trust me, you aren't going anywhere."

Remington sniffles and laughs, unbuttoning Andy's coat and takes off his scarf. 

"And you can't leave or else you'll freeze."

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