Bleeds and Machines

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Remington closes his eyes, relaxing as much as he can. "Okay Mr. Biersack stay really still! It won't take long!" The lab technician gives him a comforting pat on his leg.

He breathes in deep, feeling the machine take him back until his stomach is inside. The loud whirling makes his head ache but he continues his deep breaths, not letting his anxiety take over. It's been 3 days and he just wants to go home. The doctor said if his brain bleed stopped then he will be able to go home and heal there. The drive won't be fun but 4 hours in the car is better than another week in the stiff hospital bed.

The machine rolls him out and he sighs a breath of fresh air. He moves back to the other bed and the hospital staff rolls him back to his room, maneuvering through different doors and elevators. Once they get back to his room he is greeted by his husband who wouldn't stop pacing the room until he returned. Andy sighs in relief when Remington is back, kissing his cheek softly and caressing his jaw. 

"The CT results will be back in about two hours. Just relax and try not to stress." The nurse smiles and walks out of the room.

"Emerson was discharged so we are just waiting for you baby," Andy gives his husband a comforting smile. 

Remington groans and rolls his eyes, "I don't want you guys waiting for all need to go home. I'll get a flight or something."

Andy shakes his head and scowls at his husband. "I wouldn't dare leave you in another state. Not after almost losing you. Again. Just do me a favor and stop trying to leave me?"

Remington giggles and takes Andy's hand, rubbing little circles on his hand gently. "I'll never leave you purposely baby. I'm sorry another car hit me and it fucked my head, ribs, and memory up." 

"Well I'm sorry for fucking some ugly guy in your dream."

Remington laughs out loud, hiding his face into his hands. "I'm serious Ands it was as real as you standing here!"

His husband sits at the edge of the bed and rubs his leg gently, loving his soft skin. "I know sweetie. The way you were freaking out proved it " Andy looks up at the ceiling, contemplating whether he wants to bring something up.

"You don't think it was because of my past do you...are you still hurt?"

The younger's eyes widen, could it be?

"I always hurts Andy. But my love for you is stronger than that. I'm not going to let it destroy us. We've moved past it."

The worry in Andy's eyes are prominent. "Maybe it's your subconscious saying you aren't? And I'll do anything to show you I've changed. However you need me to prove it."

Remington looks down, feeling small again. "I don't like talking about it. But if you want to prove Anything to me then let's continue to living our future. You and me baby."

Andy smirks, putting a hand on Remington's stomach. "Or we can start a family. I can be the best husband and Daddy ever and you will be the best Mommy. You can have a set of twins and we will be set."

"T..twins?" Remington sputters. "I'm not ruining my body with twins you crazy man!"

Andy chuckles, rubbing his husband's tummy. "I mean it though. Let's start trying. We can move back to Atlanta and convert one of the guest bedrooms into a nursery. Charlie will love having a little human to look after."

Tears start to flow through Remington's eyes and he looks away in embarrassment. "Okay. I'm ready. Knock me up. Just no twins."

The older tears up, leaning over to kiss his husband's stomach. "I'll see you soon baby. You will have the perfect life with the most perfect mommy and daddy."

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