Love and Life

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Andy is sitting back against the couch, spinning his ring against his finger. He's been on the phone with Lonny for the past hour trying to figure out what he should do. Him and Remington still are barely talking. His husband has completely closed him off. He stays on his phone most of the day, alone and quiet. 

He still isn't over me leaving him and I don't blame him. I just want to help him. He needs me to be dependable. 

His phone starts randomly blowing up with notifications from Instagram. He rolls his eyes and continues on the phone, planning their anniversary that is a couple months ahead. They also talk about the upcoming tour that he is sure Remington is going to hate that he has to go on. I don't know if he will come with us or not though. He doesn't want to be near me but doesn't want to be alone either.

He starts getting phone calls from Sebastian and Emerson, which isn't abnormal. He lays his long legs over the back of the couch and rests his head back. Next thing he knows Emerson barges in, looking at Andy crazily. Shit, I forgot he was in town. He hangs up with Lonny and sits up, looking at the youngest brother in confusion.

"Um, Em, you okay?"

"Check your fucking Instagram and you tell me. Where is he?"

"Rem is upstairs I think. Hold on let me see what you are talking about."

Andy's eyes widen and he gets up quickly, running with Emerson upstairs.

"Remi??" He yells, checking every door. The guest bedroom is locked and Andy is panicking.

"Remi baby can you hear me? Can you open it sweetie? Let me in baby." 

The two men look at each other and grow more antsy due to the silence. Andy quickly gets on the floor and looks underneath the door, spotting his husband sitting against the door. He touches him and touches his hand but he's ice cold. No no no baby god fucking no!

Andy gets up quickly and shoves himself against the door, trying to break it down. 

"Em call the police now!"

Andy ends up able to kick the door down, squeezing himself inside tightly due to his husband's lifeless body blocking the door. He drags him out of the way so Emerson can get in the room. Andy cries as he holds his husband's limp body, kissing his cold blue lips and touching his face, hoping it's all a dream. 

Emerson shoves his brother on the floor and starts performing CPR while Andy blows some air into his mouth, sobbing heavily. 

"Remi please wake up baby please. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm not letting you leave me this fucking easy."

Once the ambulance arrives they quickly put Remington on the stretcher, injecting him with chemicals and they try to get an IV on his arms to no avail. They end up getting one on his ankle and continues to pound onto his chest, while another is bagging him for air.

"Sir how long has he been out for?"

Andy sits on the couch in shock, not knowing what to say. Emerson holds his hand as they both sit there in silence, not knowing how to answer the questions the police have been asking.

"Was he depressed? Has he done this before?"

Andy just stares at them, defeated. It feels like all the energy that he had is gone. They drive to the hospital in silence, not knowing what to say. They enter the emergency room and the staff quickly pull them into a private room to ask medical history. Andy can only stare at them and can't comprehend what they are asking. Emerson does all the talking and they tell them they still don't have a heart beat. After thirty minutes Andy leaves the room and walks towards the trauma rooms, and finds the one trying to save his husband. He's been intubated, several IV's going through his arms, his collar bones are purple from bruising. He's completely naked and lifeless, but there is a fast heartbeat coming from the monitors.

"Mr. Biersack, you cannot be in here!" A nurse tries to pull him out of the room but Andy stays still, his eyes burning at the sight. So many people are touching his husband and he knows he can't handle being touched by strangers. Andy walks quickly to him and holds his limp hand, kissing it softly.

"Mr. Biersack, you cannot be in here! We are trying to save your husband please!" Emerson appears and drags Andy back into the room, sobbing the entire way back. 

"Em, he had a fucking heartbeat but he looks so dead. What the fuck? I can't do this!" Andy cries into his brother in law's chest. Emerson hugs him tight while he gets a phone call from Sebastian for any updates.

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