Babies and Clinics

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He is so sick of the sterile fumes from clinics and hospitals. He is sick of needles being jabbed into his arms. He is sick of his fingers being pricked and the tight squeezing of the blood pressure cuffs.

But today? It's worst of all. Remington accepted the fumes, the jabs, the pricks, the squeezes. His anxiety is through the roof. The nurse even said his blood pressure is actually high from based off his records and that he should try taking a couple of deep breaths. Andy pushed his chair against the bed, holding his husband's trembling and clammy hand.

Andy told his brothers that he was concerned over his sugar so their doctor back home suggested to bring him in to be safe. They wanted to come with but Andy assured them he will keep them updated and that Remington needed some one on one time alone with him. They eventually gave up, promising to stop by later if it takes them awhile.

Remington has been shaking like a leaf since he arrived. His heart rate is high and tachycardic. They can hear the nurse walking to their door again, washing her hands before she steps in.

"Okay sweetie the doctor will be here soon but I'm going to hook you up to a cardiac monitor for the time being. Your heart rate is just a tad bit high and we need to monitor it a little bit closer. Nothing to be scared about sugar."

Andy stands up and stays by Remington's head, shushing him and rubbing his soft locks.

The nurse places electrodes on two sides of his upper chest and one at the bottom left side of his abdomen. Remington has tears falling down his cheeks and his teeth are now even chattering he is shaking so bad.

"When did you find out about the pregnancy?" The nurse asks, trying to distract the visually shaking man.

"Um, about a week ago." Remington manages to say in a whisper.

"I'm sure the baby is going to be beautiful," she says confidently, putting her hand on Remington's arm. "I'm not telling you to not worry about the baby, but when you stress, the baby feels it sugar. Can you take a couple deep breaths for me?"

Andy kisses his forehead, breathing in tune with him. The nurse frowns when his heart rate only goes up by 10 beats and starts beeping.

She does a reassuring smile at Remington and walks over to the phone hanging on the wall, whispering to the receptionist to page the doctor asap. Andy hears it and wraps his arms around his husband, shushing him.

A tall brunette doctor comes in, unwrapping his stethoscope from his neck.

"Hello gentlemen m'names Dr. Phillips, I'm the on call OBGYN. Lemme listen to your heart for a sec, yeah? Take slow, long breaths for me."

Remington does what the doctor says, jumping at every cold touch. He wants to go home but he needs to know the baby is okay.

"So young to 'ave gone through a heart attack already." He mumbles, listening all around his chest and back.

"You are goin through something called SVT. Can you feel your heart racing?"

Remington nods, looking at Andy.

"He had SVT after he had a heart attack. Is this something we should be worried about?"

Dr. Phillips grimaces, taking the scope out of his ears. "It's a case by case thing. It worries me that you had it during the attack but r'now I think you are having it cus of th'panic attack. I'm going to give you some fluids and hydrate you back up. I'd give you some anti anxiety medication but it's harmful for the baby. So sit back and relax, yeah? Tell me why you are scared about the baby."

Remington squeezes Andy's hands, closing his eyes and breathing slowly.

"I don't know how far along I am. We were trying a couple months ago and we stopped because of my career. I don't know if it's from back then or from something recently, god I don't know. I feel so stupid for not knowing. I um I have a eating disorder and that with the morning sickness has been making it almost impossible to eat anything. And I had quite a bit of alcohol the last few weeks, I read up on fetal alcohol syndrome and I'm so scared I hurt the baby already."

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