Blues and Confusion

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The doctor sent Remington to get another CT scan after flashing a flashlight to his eyes. Once they put him back in the room Andy stands in the corner, his hand through his hair. 

"When will we know?"

"Give us about two hours. For now try to stay calm and don't work him up. We put some Ativan in his IV so he shouldn't have anymore outbursts for awhile. Talk to him calmly, okay?"

Andy nods and looks at Sebastian, who's eyes are dark and heavy as well.

Dr. Alvarez puts his hand softly on Andy's shoulder, "You need to take it easy too. Don't overwork yourself either. You may have just gotten out of it with a concussion and bruises but you can develop harsher migraines if you don't rest. Sit down and talk to him."

Andy tears up and sits down next to Remington, holding his hand gently. 

Remington looks back at Andy with such hurt in his eyes. "Why are you here?"

Andy holds his hands now with both of his own, kissing his fingers gently. "Baby, tell me what you remember okay? No more yelling, don't try to get out of your bed. You have no reason to baby."

Remington looks up at the ceiling with tears in his eyes, closing them when they burn too much. "We went to Vegas, saw a magician, then went to some rave, you got super drunk and high." He cringes at the memory, wanting to disappear. "You tried to fuck me in front of everyone and I told you no so you went and found someone else to fuck. I caught you in the bathroom. Some red headed slut. Then I flushed my ring down the toilet and ended up running into William, them I convinced him to kill me. He stabbed me to death and you found me right before I died."

Andy stays quiet, rubbing Remington's head softly. No matter how much he wants him to leave, he is so connected to the man. That's his soulmate.

He chokes out a sob, wanting to disappear. His heart hurts so bad. Anything is better than being here.

Remington leans into Andy's hand, sniffling when Andy runs his thumb across Remington's tears.

"Breathe, okay baby?" Andy says softly. "After we saw Criss Angel we were driving to a concert. A car hit us, baby. We were t boned. It got Emerson and you mainly. Larisa, Seb, and Shy are all fine. We never went to a rave and you never got stabbed baby. William wasn't there either. So I don't know what you are talking about...I never cheated baby..."

Remington sniffles and looks at Andy, his head hurting horribly. "Andy yes you did...he was some red headed is my ring back?"

Andy rubs his ring gently, looking at his husband in worry. "I don't know why you thought all those things baby. Maybe it was a dream? You hit your head pretty good...but I promise baby I'd never do such a thing."

The younger starts to hyperventilate, his teeth chattering. Tears flow down his face and he is too tired to panic. "You promise? You aren't lying?"

Andy wipes his own tears quickly, "I promise. I'd never."

"Hold me," Remington barely chokes out, sobbing hard. Andy gets into his bed beside him and holds him close, rubbing his head gently. 

"I got you...I got you..." He whispers gently, kissing Remington's head. "I'll never leave you baby. You are safe."

Remington eventually falls asleep against his husband, confused but at peace.

Sebastian moves and sits in Andy's seat, watching his brother carefully. 

"What the"

Andy shakes his head. "I don't know. I don't want him hating me for something I never did."

Sebastian nods, taking a sip of a water bottle. "You need some rest too Andy. You haven't slept in days."

"I'm scared of how he will be when he wakes up," he sniffles again, holding his sleeping lover tightly. "He was panicking so bad when he first came here. Then he woke up and did it again. How will he be this time? He doesn't deserve this much pain but what can I do?"

"I'll be here Andy. I'll watch over both of you. Just relax and breathe. Rem will be okay. He's strong. Whatever is going on with his head will be solved."

Andy nods sorrowfully, wrapping his arms tightly against his small lover. He nuzzles his head into the back of his neck and breathes in his scent, loving how drowsy it makes him. That's his baby.

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