Punches and Forgiveness

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"Get the fuck off my boyfriend!" Ashley yells, pulling Andy off the man.

Andy shoves Ashley's hands off of him. "Do you not see how sick he fucking is? You abusive fuck! He has all the symptoms of low blood sugar and he's skin and bones! And you don't let him eat?"

Ashley chuckles and shakes his head. "Remington fucking loves me. Abusive my ass. I'm just helping him diet."

"Andy..." Remington whimpers, standing up slowly. He grabs onto Andy's arm and rests some if his weight on him.

"Ash you know what I said earlier. Please leave."

Andy raises his eyebrow at his husband and then Ashley laughs loudly, echoing in the quiet house.

"You mean when we were fucking? God that little tight ass can get me to agree to anything."

Remington gulps and Ashley pulls him into his arms quickly. He grabs Remington by the jaw and kisses his face.

"Stop that fucking hurts you asshole!" Remington pushes him off of him and steps back.

"What don't tell me you are still crying about being smacked around. Don't fight me next time."

"The fuck? You hurt him?" Andy growls, moving Remington out of the way. He shoves Ashley across the room and he trips over a chair, falling over. Andy looks at Remington and gently grabs his jaw.

"The makeup covers it," he whimpers, looking ashamed.

"Did he do anything else?" Andy asks quietly but sternly.

Remington nods and looks the other way, tears filling his eyes.

"He forced himself on me when I tried breaking up with him."

Andy quickly turns to Ashley who is now standing up and laughing.

"Don't act like you didn't want it."

Andy punches Ashley hard on the face, knocking him down. He starts kicking him in the ribs and pulls him up by his hair, punching him again in the face. Ashley lays one good punch to Andy's nose and blood splatters across his face.

"Andy! Ashley! Stop! Oh god please stop!" Remington yells and both men ignore it, taking their fight to the hallway. Andy lays another blow to Ashley's face and he crawls back up, groaning and backing up.

"You fucking dick!"

"I'll fucking kill you right now you worthless piece of shit! How fucking dare you rape MY HUSBAND!"

Andy goes to go after him again but stops once he realizes Remington is grasping his arm tightly.

"Please stop. Please. Just make him leave. I don't want you hurt any more over me."

"This ain't fucking over Andy. And Remington, you are still mine. You left him for me and that's how it's going to fucking stay." Ashley limps out of the house hurriedly.

Andy turns to Remington and gently touches his face. "Are you hurt?"

Remington laughs out a sob, tears flowing down his cheeks. "I'm not the one who has blood splattered on their face."

Andy touches his nose and winces. "I didn't even realize holy shit."

Remington takes him into the bathroom and gently dabs the blood off of Andy's face. Andy sits on the tub and lets him, sighing at the whole situation.

"I can never leave you can I?"

Remington's eyes widen and he continues to clean him. "What do you mean?"

"Even if we were on a break, you still could have called me. Or texted. Let me know you weren't safe. I could have helped."

Remington frowns and leans against the sink. "I didn't want to worry you with my problems. I'm the one that left you know..."

"I know," Andy looks down .

"I want you back," Remington whispers.

"Rem...I don't think so."

Remington's heart drops and he looks away. "Do you not love me anymore?"

"Of course I do Remi," Andy whispers. "But I want you to be happy."

Remington grabs his hand and helps him up. They walk into their bedroom and sit down next to each other.

"I need you Andy. I need you back in my life. I can't live without you."

Andy opens his mouth but Remington puts his finger against it, shushing him.

"I was selfish. I know I didn't call you. I wanted to fucking bad. But I felt guilty. And Ash...it felt so god damn wrong. He would ignore me if I told him no or he wouldn't let me eat. He kept telling me I was fat and noone would love me. I had to go to the gym everyday to prove myself to him. But I was still mad at you for everything. But now that I'm living through the same thing you went through...it's worse. So much worse. And god Andy the sex was the fucking worst."

Andy busts up laughing and puts his hand on Remington's knee.

"I couldn't even get off to him. Half the time I couldn't get it up. I literally had to close my eyes and think of you. I don't know if he knows what sex is honestly. I even said your name once...but I had to disguise it as something else."

Andy smirks and rubs Remington's thigh. "You could only think of me huh? What would you think about baby."

Remington blushes and looks down, "You know how sometimes when we fucked you would pull me up in your arms and we were so close and you pounded me so hard but you never dropped me. Or when you'd handcuff me to the bed and blindfold me...when you'd eat me out and suck me off. God just even calling you Daddy..." He squirms, catching Andy's attention. "When you put the vibrator in me and stuff...."

Andy chuckles. "You are a hot little submissive huh."

"But besides sex...I just want you. Even if we never have sex again. I just fucking want you. Andy...I don't want a divorce. Please, can we just move on and be okay? I'll do anything Andy please. I can't live without you. I need your cuddles at night and I need your hand holding mine when I get nervous. I'll do anything Andrew pleas-"

Andy kisses him hard, grabbing the back of Remington's neck and pulling him closer.

"Please don't ever leave me again," Andy whispers against his lips.

"I won't I won't," Remington sobs, holding him tight.

"I can't forgive myself. For all of this. God I fucked up so bad."

Andy kisses him again, slipping his tongue into his mouth.

"Shut up Rem. I was just as much at fault too. We are soulmates, okay? Soulmates."

"I'll worship you every day." Remington kisses him quickly. "Suck your cock every morning and night. Cook you dinner every night. Make you breakfast every morning. Be at your call every second of the day."

Andy laughs and kisses him to shut him up. "I like all those ideas. We will see how long you last."

Remington wipes his eyes and laughs. "Just please forgive me. Burn those divorce papers. Take your ring back."

Andy picks him up and carries him to the living room. They both stand up and Andy finds a lighter, while Remington pulls out his phone to record both of them. They kiss while the letters burn, letting the whole world see it. They take several photos and post them on social media. Once the papers are burned, Andy takes Remington back to their room and they both take off their tops and pants, cuddling into each other. Andy helps Remington eat more of the food and they lay there in bliss.

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